BORA-X3M-ETX Network Card Open Transport Network
Page 6 of 29 AD-M137-E-5
a. If the strap is right (CLEAR), the NV-RAM is initialized
with default system values, i.e. existing services and
IFC control data are lost. The network card shows
‘CLR NVRAM’ on the front panel display (see Figure
15). After switching off the network card, setting the
strap back to the left position (NORMAL) and
switching on the network card again, all existing
services are cleared and it still shows ‘FAIL EC2’. The
backplane stays disabled until the OMS writes its
programmed services back onto the network card.
b. If the strap is left (NORMAL), all existing services and
IFC control data are recovered and still operational.
clear NVRAM,
init backup RAM
normal, after init
backup RAM
clear NVRAM,
init backup RAM
normal, after init
backup RAM
Figure 1 Strap: NV-RAM
Figure 2 BORA-X3M-ETX: Side view
(straps + DIP switches)
2.3.2 DIP switches
The network card is equipped with several DIP switches.
Other DIP switches on the card, but not visible on Figure
2, are spare switches.
a. Network Reconfiguration Switch1: QUICK
Quick Reconfiguration is possible as of OMS v7.3.
It is forbidden to set QUICK to ‘1’ when older network
cards are in the ring that do not have the QUICK
dipswitch on board !!! If QUICK has to be set to ‘1’,
make sure all the network cards in this ring have set
this QUICK setting to ‘1’.
This setting has impact on reconfiguration times and
must be the same on each network card that belongs
to the same ring. By default, this switch is set to ‘0’ or
‘normal reconfiguration’.
‘0’ = normal reconfiguration (120 ms); if a single
fiber break occurs in the active OTN-X3M ring (e.g.
primary ring), the complete redundant OTN-X3M ring
(e.g. secondary ring) becomes the active ring. All
nodes have to swap from the active to the passive
ring, which takes approximately 120 ms. See Figure 3.
‘1’ = fast reconfiguration (< 50 ms); if a single fiber
break occurs in the active OTN-X3M ring (e.g. primary
ring), the adjacent nodes to the fiber break go in
loopback. This means that only these adjacent nodes
change their data flow states, e.g. from PP to PS and
from PP to SP (see also §2.6.2). The other nodes are
not impacted and keep their data flow state PP, but
show LB (=loopback) on the display; without fiber
break, PPqk is shown on the display. See Figure 4.
The more nodes in the network, the bigger the
reconfiguration time, with a worst case of 50 ms for
very large networks (110 nodes, 1000 km fiber).
A double fiber break always results in loopback mode,
either in normal or fast reconfiguration.
b. Loop Timing (LT1, LT2), SDH/SONET
What is loop timing?
See Chapter 7.1.
Configure loop timing
This DIP switch in Figure 2 is needed to configure
loop timing when the OTN network must be slaved to
an external SDH or SONET network. With loop timing,
the SDH framer uses the same clock as the received
data stream’s one for transmission.
All the nodes in the network must have the same
SDH/SONET setting (either all SONET or all SDH).
Table 2 DIP switch settings
Normal Reconfig., 120 ms
Quick Reconfig., <50 ms
‘0’ in all nodes
‘1’ in all nodes
External network is SONET
All nodes the same,
all ‘0’ or all ‘1’
Configure loop timing
in TRMX2 (1)
c. Card Issue
This DIP switch in Figure 2 indicates the network card
issue. The user is not allowed to change these
settings. MSB and LSB are screened onto the PC
board. A switch in the upper position indicates a
logical ‘1’. The card issue can also be read from the
NOTE: The node and ring number are being set
through DIP switches on the NSM/NSM415
module (see Ref. [3], [4] in Table 1).