(optional regularizer)
1x1 conv
recurrent transitions
4x copy 4x copy
2048 512
(hidden-to-hidden, equation 1)
recurrent transitions
(hidden-to-hidden, equation 1)
512 512
Figure 3. Four-directional IRNN architecture. We use “IRNN” units [21] which are RNNs with ReLU recurrent transitions, initialized
to the identity. All transitions to/from the hidden state are computed with 1x1 convolutions, which allows us to compute the recurrence
more efficiently (Eq. 1). When computing the context features, the spatial resolution remains the same throughout (same as conv5). The
semantic segmentation regularizer has a 16x higher resolution; it is optional and gives a small improvement of around +1 mAP point.
3. Architecture: Inside-Outside Net (ION)
In this section we describe ION, a detector with an im-
proved descriptor both inside and outside the ROI. An im-
age is processed by a single deep ConvNet, and the con-
volutional feature maps at each stage of the ConvNet are
stored in memory. At the top of the network, a 2x stacked
4-directional IRNN (explained later) computes context fea-
tures that describe the image both globally and locally. The
context features have the same dimensions as “conv5.” This
is done once per image. In addition, we have thousands
of proposal regions (ROIs) that might contain objects. For
each ROI, we extract a fixed-length feature descriptor from
several layers (“conv3”, “conv4”, “conv5”, and “context
features”). The descriptors are L2-normalized, concate-
nated, re-scaled, and dimension-reduced (1x1 convolution)
to produce a fixed-length feature descriptor for each pro-
posal of size 512x7x7. Two fully-connected (FC) layers
process each descriptor and produce two outputs: a one-of-
K object class prediction (“softmax”), and an adjustment to
the proposal region’s bounding box (“bbox”).
The rest of this section explains the details of ION and
motivates why we chose this particular architecture.
3.1. Pooling from multiple layers
Recent successful detectors such as Fast R-CNN, Faster
R-CNN [30], and SPPnet, all pool from the last convolu-
tional layer (“conv5
3”) in VGG16 [35]. In order to extend
this to multiple layers, we must consider issues of dimen-
sionality and amplitude.
Since we know that pre-training on ImageNet is im-
portant to achieve state-of-the-art performance [1], and
we would like to use the previously trained VGG16 net-
work [35], it is important to preserve the existing layer
shapes. Therefore, if we want to pool out of more layers,
the final feature must also be shape 512x7x7 so that it is
the correct shape to feed into the first fully-connected layer
(fc6). In addition to matching the original shape, we must
also match the original activation amplitudes, so that we can
feed our feature into fc6.
To match the required 512x7x7 shape, we concatenate
each pooled feature along the channel axis and reduce the
dimension with a 1x1 convolution. To match the original
amplitudes, we L2 normalize each pooled ROI and re-scale
back up by an empirically determined scale. Our experi-
ments use a “scale layer” with a learnable per-channel scale
initialized to 1000 (measured on the training set). We later
show in Section 5.2 that a fixed scale works just as well.
As a final note, as more features are concatenated to-
gether, we need to correspondingly decrease the initial
weight magnitudes of the 1x1 convolution, so we use
“Xavier” initialization [36].
3.2. Context features with IRNNs
Our architecture for computing context features in ION
is shown in more detail in Figure 3. On top of the last convo-
lutional layer (conv5), we place RNNs that move laterally
across the image. Traditionally, an RNN moves left-to-right
along a sequence, consuming an input at every step, updat-
ing its hidden state, and producing an output. We extend
this to two dimensions by placing an RNN along each row
and along each column of the image. We have four RNNs in
total that move in the cardinal directions: right, left, down,
up. The RNNs sit on top of conv5 and produce an output
with the same shape as conv5.
There are many possible forms of recurrent neural net-
works that we could use: gated recurrent units (GRU) [4],
long short-term memory (LSTM) [14], and plain tanh re-
current neural networks. In this paper, we explore RNNs
composed of rectified linear units (ReLU). Le et al. [21]