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"这份资源是一本关于Java游戏开发的指南,名为'Java+游戏开发入门+_+java+game+programming+for+dummies.pdf',由Wayne Holder和Doug Bell撰写,旨在帮助初学者轻松创建自己的游戏并将其添加到网页上。书中通过简单易懂的语言解释了如何使用Java创建酷炫的游戏,并提供了提升网页吸引力的实用方法。" 在Java学习的过程中,了解和掌握Java Applet是关键的一部分,特别是在游戏开发的场景中。Java Applet是一种小型的Java程序,可以嵌入到HTML页面中并在用户的浏览器中运行。以下是关于Java Applet的一些核心知识点: 1. **<APPLET>标签**:这是在HTML中嵌入Java Applet的关键,它告诉浏览器需要加载和执行一个Java小程序。`<APPLET>`标签的属性包括: - **CODE**:必需,指定包含编译后Applet子类的Java类文件的名称。 - **WIDTH**和**HEIGHT**:必需,指定浏览器应为Applet在网页上预留的像素宽度和高度。 - **CODEBASE**:可选,定义Applet代码所在的目录或文件夹URL。若未指定,则默认为HTML文档的位置。这允许Applet代码与HTML文档分开放置。 - **NAME**:可选,为其他网页上的Applet提供一个名称,以便它们可以找到并与其通信。 - **ALT**:可选,当浏览器无法运行Applet时显示的文本。对于不支持Java的浏览器,这为用户提供了一种替代的说明。 2. **Java Applet生命周期**:Applet有自己的生命周期,包括初始化、启动、绘画、停止和销毁等阶段,开发者需要理解和控制这些阶段来确保Applet的正确运行。 3. **Applet通信**:通过`NAME`属性,Applet之间可以相互通信,这在实现复杂的交互式游戏时非常有用。 4. **Java 2D图形**:在Java游戏中,通常会用到Java 2D API来绘制游戏场景、角色和其他元素。这个API提供了丰富的图形绘制功能,包括线条、形状、文本和图像。 5. **事件处理**:Java的事件监听机制允许游戏对用户的输入做出响应,如键盘和鼠标事件,这对于游戏的交互性至关重要。 6. **游戏逻辑**:理解如何使用Java编写游戏逻辑,包括游戏规则、玩家移动、碰撞检测等,是游戏开发的基础。 7. **Java Swing和JavaFX**:虽然Applet已经逐渐过时,但Swing和JavaFX提供了现代的图形用户界面组件,可用于构建桌面和网络应用,包括游戏。 8. **性能优化**:由于Java的解释性,游戏性能可能不如原生代码。因此,了解如何优化代码,减少内存占用和提高渲染速度是必要的。 9. **网络编程**:如果游戏涉及到多人在线,那么理解Java的网络编程,如套接字(Socket)通信,是必不可少的。 通过这份指南,读者将能够逐步学习到以上知识点,并具备使用Java进行游戏开发的基本技能。书中的实例和清晰的解释将帮助初学者克服编程语言的复杂性,轻松上手,为创建自己的互动游戏打下坚实基础。
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A hands-on guide with a minimalist and flexible approach that enables quick learning and rapid delivery of cloud-ready enterprise applications with Angular 6 Key Features Explore tools and techniques to push your web app to the next level Master Angular app design and architectural considerations Learn continuous integration and deploy your app on a highly available cloud infrastructure in AWS Book Description Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications follows a hands-on and minimalist approach demonstrating how to design and architect high quality apps. The first part of the book is about mastering the Angular platform using foundational technologies. You will use the Kanban method to focus on value delivery, communicate design ideas with mock-up tools and build great looking apps with Angular Material. You will become comfortable using CLI tools, understand reactive programming with RxJS, and deploy to the cloud using Docker. The second part of the book will introduce you to the router-first architecture, a seven-step approach to designing and developing mid-to-large line-of-business applications, along with popular recipes. You will learn how to design a solid authentication and authorization experience; explore unit testing, early integration with backend APIs using Swagger and continuous integration using CircleCI. In the concluding chapters, you will provision a highly available cloud infrastructure on AWS and then use Google Analytics to capture user behavior. By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the scope of web development using Angular, Swagger, and Docker, learning patterns and practices to be successful as an individual developer on the web or as a team in the Enterprise. What you will learn Create full-stack web applications using Angular and RESTful APIs Master Angular fundamentals, RxJS, CLI tools, unit testing, GitHub, and Docker Design and architect responsive, secure and scalable apps to deploy on AWS Adopt a minimalist,