The bits RSOand RSl are wed to select one of the four
register banks shown in Figure 7. A number of instruc-
tions refer to these RAM locations as RO through R7.
The selection of which of the four banks is being re-
ferred to is made on the basis of the bits RSOand RS1
at execution time.
The Parity bit reflects the number of 1s in the Accumu-
lator P = 1 if the Accumulator contains an odd num-
ber of 1s, and P = O if the Accumulator contains an
even number of 1s. Thus
thenumber of 1s in the Accu-
mulator plus P is always even.
Two bits in the PSW are uncommitted and maybe used
as general purpose status flags.
Addressing Modes
addressing modes in the MCS-51 instruction set
are as follows
In direct addressing the operand is specitied by an 8-bit
addreas field in the instruction. Only internal Data
RAM and SFRS can be directly addressed.
In indirect addressing the instruction specifies a register
which contains the address of the operand. Both inter-
nal and external RAM can be indirectly addressed.
The address register for 8-bit addresses can be RO or
RI of the selected register bank, or the Stack Pointer.
The addreas register for id-bit addresses can only be the
id-bit “data pointer” register, DPTR.
register banks, containing registers ROthrough R7,
can be accemed by certain instructions which carry a
3-bit register specification within the opcode of the in-
struction. Instructions that access the registers this way
are code efficient, since this mode elirninatez an addreas
byte. When the instruction is executedj one of the eight
registers in the selected bank is amessed. One of four
banks is selected at execution time by the two bank
select bits in the PSW.
Some instructions are specific to a certain register. For
example, some instructions always operate on the Ac-
cumulator, or Data Pointer, etc., so no address byte is
needed to point to it. The opcode itself does
structions that refer to the Accurrdator as A assemble
as accumulator-specific opcmdes.
The value of
a constant can follow the opcode in Pro-
gram Memory. For example,
MOV A, # 100
loads the Accumulator with the decimal number 100.
The same number could be specified in hex digitz as
Program Memory can be amessed with indexed
addressing, and it can only be read. This addressing
mode is intended for reading look-up tables in Program
Memory. A Id-bit base register (either DPTR or the
Program Counter) points to the base of the table, and
the Accumulator is setup with the table entry number.
The address of the table entry in Program Memory is
formed by adding the Accumulator data to the base
Another type of indexed addreaaing is used in the “case
jump” instruction. In this case the destination address
of a jump instruction is computed as the sum of the
base pointer and the Accumulator &ta.
Arithmetic Instructions
menu of arithmetic instructions is listed in Table 2.
The table indicates the addressing modes that can be
used with each instruction to access the <byte> oper-
and. For example, the ADD A, <byte> instruction can
be written as
ADD A,@RO (indirect addressing)
ADD A,R7 (register addressing)
ADD A,# 127 (iediate constant)
The execution times listed in Table 2 assume a 12 MHz
clock frequency. All of the arithmetic instructions exe-
cute in 1 ps except the INC DPTR instruction, which
takes 2 W, snd the Multiply and Divide instructions,
which take 4 ps.
Note that any byte in the internal Data Memory space
can be incremented or decremented without going
through the Accumulator.
One of the INC instructions operates on the Id-bit
Data Pointer. The Data Pointer is used to generate
16-bit addresses for external memory, w being able to
increment it in one 16-bit operation is a usefirl feature.
The MUL AB instruction multiplies the Accumulator
by the data in the B register and puts the Id-bit product
into the concatenated B and Accumulator registers.