Fig. 2. Six scenarios in a
window to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the various metrics.
actual objects,
estimates. Parameters
(OMAT and OSPA) and
= 200
(OSPA). Scenarios depict A) two false estimates; B) an outlier false estimate among several accurate estimates; C)
multiple estimates per object; D–F) a comparison of balanced and unbalanced allocations of estimates to objects. Note that Scenarios B
–F are an artistic impression
rather than an exact rendering of the situation in the sense that the smallest distances have been considerably in
flated for better viewing (from 1 meter, which was
assumed in the computations, to 40 meters in the scale of the pictures).
The merits of the OMAT metric are that it partly fixes the
undesirable cardinality behaviour of the Hausdorff metric (see
Scenario E of Fig. 2) and that it can cope with the outlier
problem by the introduction of the parameter
(Scenario B of
Fig. 2). Regarding this second point, it should be mentioned
that there are also generalizations of the Hausdorff metric that
avoid this problem [16].
On the downside, the OMAT metric entails a host of prob-
lems; the most important of these are outlined as follows:
1) Inconsistency of the Metric: Consider Scenarios D–Fin
Fig. 2. Each of these examples involves a cardinality error, and
from an intuitive point of view we would say that the estimation
errors are roughly equal, but that E is probably a bit better than
F and (arguably) somewhat better than D. While the Hausdorff
distance is the same in all three examples (undesirably small due
to the cardinality problem, but at least consistent), the OMAT
metric actually depends on how well balanced the numbers of
estimate points are among the actual objects. It therefore assigns
a much larger distance in Scenario E than in the other two cases,
and thus ranks the scenario that we intuitively prefer (E) as by
far the worst among the three.
This series of examples further reveals that the OMAT metric
is not always better than the Hausdorff metric at detecting
different cardinalities. This becomes even more obvious in
Scenario C of Fig. 2, where the cardinality of the estimated
point pattern is quite far from the truth. However, since the
estimates are perfectly balanced among the ground truth ob-
jects, the OMAT metric does not detect this. While the scenario
depicted is certainly an extreme one, it is in essence not unre-
alistic (see our comparison of the MeMBer and PHD filters in
Section IV-B).
2) Contrived Construction for Differing Cardinalities: De-
composing individual objects into small parts does not seem
very attractive from an intuitive point of view and often makes
the resulting distances hard to interpret. While visual perception
sometimes tells us that a reasonable matching of estimated ob-
jects to ground truths would involve splitting up of unit masses
(e.g., Scenario E in Fig. 2, where we would naturally match the
two estimates on the left with the one ground truth object next to
them), the OMAT metric does not cater for such natural structure
(and it is in fact hard for any metric to do so). Instead, it tends to
assign partial masses between the two sets of objects in a com-
plicated way, which may be difficult to comprehend for a human
observer. For example the Hausdorff distance in Scenario B is
clearly the distance from the isolated filter estimate to its closest
ground truth object, whereas the optimal mass transfer for
is not so obvious.
3) Geometry Dependent Behaviour: In [14], Hoffman and
Mahler describe what they call the geometry dependence of the
OMAT metric, stating that a multi-object filter should be more
heavily penalized for misestimating cardinality when the objects
are far apart than when they are closely spaced. The rationale be-
hind this statement is that it is harder to estimate the number of
objects when they are closely spaced. Under the assumption that
a multi-object filter consistently misestimates the number of ob-
jects, the authors argue that the magnitude of
equals the diameter of the ground truth (and that
shows a sim-
ilar dependence on the diameter for smaller
albeit to a lesser
In contrast, we do not think that geometry dependence is
a desirable property. Ideally, an objective performance metric
should depend on as few specific features of the considered
test case as possible in order to allow direct comparisons be-
tween different scenarios (or different stages within the same
scenario). The need for reinterpretation of the OMAT distances
according to the geometry of the ground truth as described in
[14] means that we have to transform these distances in order to
arrive at error quantities that are comparable with one another.
Such quantities, however, do not in general satisfy the metric
axioms any more and other desirable properties of the OMAT
metric might be lost as well.
Moreover, the stated dependence of
on the diameter of the
ground truth is a strong simplification. Consider for example a
ground truth of
objects that are arranged as a regular -gon