4.3 Equipment Operation
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Consensus Control for Second Order Multi-agent System with Switching
Interaction Toplogies
LIU Liu, LIANG Xiaolong, ZHANG Jiaqiang
1)National Key Laboratory of Air Traffic Collision Prevention, Air Force Engineering University; East
Changle Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 710051
2)Shaanxi Province Laboratory of Meta-synthesis for Electronic & Information System, Air Force
Engineering University, 1 East Changle Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 710051
Email Address: afeu_ll@163.com
Peer Reviewer: Dr. Lyulong He, Air Force Engineering University, his main research covers
Multi-agent consensus theory, UAV formation control
Funding Resources:
1) National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61472443, No. 61703427,
2) Research and Development of Science and Technology Plan Projects in Shaanxi Province under
Grant No.2017JQ6035
Abstract: Consensus control for second order multi-agent system(MAS) with switching interaction
topologies was investigated. The consensus control law was designed based on the consensus theory. In
order to make the multi-agent system form the specified formation configuration, the formation
reference vector was introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for second order multi-agent
system with switching interaction topologies to achieve predefined formation configuration were
proposed. Under the condition that the interaction topologies are connected, the multi-agent system
were proved to be asymptotically stable based on the Lyapunov theory and an approach to design the
parameter matrix in the control protocol was proposed based on the algebraic Riccati equation technique.
Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of proposed control protocol.
Key words: switching interaction topology, multi-agent system, formation reconfiguration
1 Introduction
In recent years, the formation consensus control of multi-agent system(MAS) has received
extensive attention from the scientific research and engineering field, and a lot of research results have
been achieved
. In the military application field, the aviation swarm
composed of unmanned aerial
vehicles or manned aircraft can realize functions that are difficult for a single aircraft, such as passive
and collaborative anti-stealth detection
. The complicated battlefield environment puts
forward the higher request to the stability of the aviation swarm system, in the case of the aviation
swarm system’s interaction topology changing, it still needs to ensure the efficiency of the control of the
The formation control of multi-agent system has received wide attention in recent years. Paper [6]
proposes a hierarchical control strategy for unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) swarm system based on
leader-follower method, which enables UAV swarm to maintain a constant formation when avoiding
obstacles. Paper [7] is based on behavior control mode, repulsive force and the center of the earth for
reference the concept of deflecting force structure obstacle avoidance deflecting force. Paper [8]
designed the formation controller based on virtual structure for the UAV swarm system moving in 3D
space, and proved the effectiveness of the controller through a series of simulation results. With the
development of consensus theory
, more and more scholars have applied the consensus theory to the
formation control of multi-agent system. Paper [10] studied the formation control problem of
second-order multi-agent systems with time delay, designed the formation control law based on the
speed and position information and the design method of relevant parameters was given. Paper [11]
investigates the UAV swarm formation reconfiguration problem based on the theory of fixed-time
consensus, and achieves the formation reconfiguration in specified time, it also set up the quadrotor
system and proved the efficiency of the proposed control law through flight experiment.
This paper uses the consensus control theory, solves the formation reconfiguration problem of