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"石油巨头利用Kubernetes、微服务和DevOps进行系统现代化改造,构建统一技术平台,提高数据治理和应用协同能力。" 在当前的数字化转型浪潮中,石油巨头面临一系列挑战,如数据标准不统一、技术平台规范不一致、应用功能单一等。为解决这些问题,他们引入了Kubernetes、微服务架构以及DevOps理念,以实现系统的高效运行和快速响应业务需求。 Kubernetes(K8s)是容器编排的首选工具,它为石油巨头提供了强大的容器平台功能,支持应用的容器化托管。K8s保证了环境的一致性,简化了部署架构的复杂性,通过租户体系实现了资源的隔离,支持多租户场景,确保了不同部门或项目的独立性。同时,借助安全管理体系,可以在DevOps流程中保障数据和操作的安全。 DevOps是一种实践,旨在加强开发和运维之间的协作,促进快速迭代开发。在石油巨头的实践中,DevOps工具链包括了代码托管、制品仓库、测试管理、流水线编排、代码质量管控、镜像安全扫描等,这些工具支持快速部署、持续交付和持续构建与测试。DevOps的实施提高了开发效率,降低了部署风险,使得部门间的协作更为顺畅,同时也强化了知识共享和持续改进的机制。 微服务架构是将大型应用程序分解为一组小型、独立的服务,每个服务都专注于特定业务功能。在石油巨头的案例中,微服务治理帮助构建灵活、可扩展的系统,提升了系统的适应性和稳定性。这种架构使得各服务可以独立部署和升级,减少了相互依赖,增强了系统的可维护性。 数据治理是整个改造过程中的关键环节,通过建立统一数据湖,解决了数据分散的问题,实现了全业务链数据的集中管理和分析。数据治理不仅提高了数据一致性,还为勘探生产管理、开发生产管理、协同研究以及经营管理与决策等业务提供了有力的数据支持。 总体架构上,石油巨头构建了一个集容器平台、DevOps工具链、微服务治理和统一技术平台于一体的解决方案,旨在实现上游全业务链的高效协同。此外,他们还关注运维监控和运营统计,通过可视化和数据化的手段,实时了解运行状态,为持续改进提供决策依据。 通过这样的综合策略,石油巨头能够有效地缩短系统建设周期,避免重复建设,提高投资回报率,降低维护成本,并且能够快速响应业务变化,提升整体业务效率。这一系列实践为其他大型企业提供了宝贵的数字化转型经验和参考。


Chapter 1, Introduction to DevOps, walks you through the evolution from the past to what we call DevOps today and the tools that you should know. Demand for people with DevOps skills has been growing rapidly over the last few years. It has accelerated software development and delivery speed and has also helped business agility. Chapter 2, DevOps with Container, helps you learn the fundamentals and container orchestration. With the trend of microservices, container has been a handy and essential tool for every DevOps because of its language agnostic isolation. Chapter 3, Getting Started with Kubernetes, explores the key components and API objects in Kubernetes and how to deploy and manage containers in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes eases the pain of container orchestration with a lot of killer features, such as container scaling, mounting storage systems, and service discovery. Chapter 4, Working with Storage and Resources, describes volume management and also explains CPU and memory management in Kubernetes. Container storage management can be hard in a cluster. Chapter 5, Network and Security, explains how to allow inbound connection to access Kubernetes services and how default networking works in Kubernetes. External access to our services is necessary for business needs. Chapter 6, Monitoring and Logging, shows you how to monitor a resource's usage at application, container, and node level using Prometheus. This chapter also shows how to collect logs from your applications, as well as Kubernetes with Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana stack. Ensuring a service is up and healthy is one of the major responsibilities of DevOps. Chapter 7, Continuous Delivery, explains how to build a Continuous Delivery pipeline with GitHub/DockerHub/TravisCI. It also explains how to manage updates, eliminate the potential impact when doing rolling updates, and prevent possible failure. Continuous Delivery is an approach to speed up your time-to-market. Chapter 8, Cluster Administration, describes how to solve the preceding problems with the Kubernetes namespace and ResourceQuota and how to do access control in Kubernetes. Setting up administrative boundaries and access control to Kubernetes cluster are crucial to DevOps. Chapter 9, Kubernetes on AWS, explains AWS components and shows how to provision Kubernetes on AWS. AWS is the most popular public cloud. It brings the infrastructure agility and flexibility to our world. Chapter 10, Kubernetes on GCP, helps you understand the difference between GCP and AWS, and the benefit of running containerized applications in hosted service from Kubernetes’ perspective. Google Container Engine in GCP is a managed environment for Kubernetes. Chapter 11, What’s Next?, introduces other similar technologies, such as Docker Swarm mode, Amazon ECS, and Apache Mesos and you’ll have an understanding of which the best approach is for your business. Kubernetes is open. This chapter will teach you how to get in touch with Kubernetes community to learn ideas from others.
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