Fig. 3. The architecture of DNet.
To make DNet focus on the text regions, the information
which reflects the properties of the text is used as supervisory
information to train the CNN model. The shape of the text
regions is one of the most important pieces of information for
distinguishing between text and backgrounds. The edges and
the whole regions of text can represent its shape. As we know,
CNN learns local and global features as we move from the
shallow to deep layers. For text, the edges can be considered
as local information and the regions as global information.
Therefore, in this work, the edges and regions of text are used
as the supervisory information of the shallow and the deep
layers of the CNN for model training, respectively.
To get an accurate saliency prediction, the CNN architecture
should be deep and have multi-scale stages with different
strides, so that we can learn discriminative and multi-scale
features for pixels. Training such a deep network from scratch
is hard work when the number training samples available is
insufficient. So this work chooses VGGNet-16 [41] trained on
the ImageNet dataset as the pre-trained model for fine-tuning
as done by [53]. VGGNet-16 has six blocks. The first five
blocks contain convolutional layers and pooling layers, and the
last block contains a pooling layer and fully connected layers.
The last block is removed in this work, since the pooling
operation in this block makes the feature maps become too
small (about 1
32 of the input image size) to obtain fine
full-size prediction and the fully connected layers are time
and memory consuming. Based on the first five blocks of
VGGNet-16, DNet is constructed as shown in Fig. 3. There
are thirteen convolutional layers and four max-pooling layers
in the five blocks. Specifically, the numbers of convolution
kernels in the five blocks are 64, 128, 256, 512 and 512. For all
convolutional layers, the size of all of the convolution kernels
is 3
3, and both the stride and padding are 1 pixel. For all
max-pooling layers, the operation window size is 2
stride is 2 pixels.
As we know, the shallow CNN layers usually learn local
features, especially for edges and there are different kinds
of edges including those of text and background in natural
scene images. Therefore, only the edges of text are used as
supervisory information for the shallow layers to make the
CNN model pay more attention to the edges of text during
early feature learning in this work. Usually, the deep layers
learn the global object features. Therefore, the text regions
are used as the supervisory information for the deep layers, so
as to learn more discriminative global features to represent
the text properties. As we can see, from shallow to deep,
the whole DNet always focuses on learning the features of
text. We investigate which layers should be supervised by text
edges or regions and find that the best performance is obtained
when the first two and the last three blocks are supervised by
text edges and regions, respectively. He et al. [35] also used
text regions as supervisory information for model training, but
the text region was used as supervisory information in one
convolutional layer. In the proposed DNet model (as shown in
Fig. 3), the text regions are used as supervisory information in
four convolutional layers, and another important information
of text, i.e. the edges of text, is also used as supervisory
information in the shallow layers, which makes the model
pay more attention to the edges of text during early feature
To introduce the supervisory information into the CNN,
a side-output is generated, as done in [53], from the last
convolutional layer of each block with a convolutional layer
and a deconvolutional layer. The additional convolutional layer
with a 1
1 convolution kernel converts the feature maps to a
probability map, and the additional deconvolutional layer is
used to render probability map the same size as the input
image. To make the final probability map robust to the size
variation of the text, the side-outputs of the last three blocks
are fused by concatenating them in the channel direction
and using a convolution kernel of size 1
concatenation maps to the final probability map. In fact,
convolution with a 1
1 kernel is a weighted fusion process.
Here, the side-outputs of the first two blocks are not considered
during fusion, since we hope to capture the global information
of the text regions during text-aware saliency prediction and
we have found through experiments that it does not improve
the performance to add the first two side-outputs during fusion.
So far, the whole architecture of DNet has been constructed,
as shown in Fig. 3. The additional deconvolutional layer and
last convolutional layer are followed by a sigmoid activation
For DNet training, the errors between all side-outputs and
the supervisory ground truth should be computed and back-
ward propagated. Therefore, we need to define a loss function
to compute these errors. For most of the scene images, the
pixel numbers of text and background are heavy imbalanced.
Here, given an image X and its ground truth Y , a cross-
entropy loss function defined in [53] is used to balance the
loss between text and non-text classes as follows:
log P
= 1|X; W,w
1 − α
log P
= 0|X; W,w
where α =
mean the num-
ber of text pixels and non-text pixels in the ground truth,
W denotes the parameters of all of the network layers in the
five blocks, w
denotes the weights of the m
layer including a convolutional layer and a deconvolutional
layer, and P
= 1|X; W,w
∈ [0, 1] is computed using