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资源摘要信息:"HaGRID-HAnd手势识别图像数据集.zip是一个专门针对手势识别任务的计算机视觉数据集。数据集包含了用于训练、测试和验证的图像文件,这些图像被用来识别和分类不同的人类手势。数据集被分为了几个部分,包括训练集(train)、验证集(val)和测试集(test)。每个集合都配有相应的标注文件(annotation files),标注文件以ann_为前缀,分别对应于测试集(ann_test)、抽样集(ann_subsample)和训练集加验证集(ann_train_val)。除了标注文件之外,还包括一个ignore.txt文件,这可能是用于指示数据集使用时需要忽略某些特定的文件或规则。由于作者没有在描述中直接提供预览,如果用户想要了解数据集的具体内容,需要通过私信作者来获得预览权限。" 知识点详细说明: 1. 计算机视觉数据集:计算机视觉是人工智能领域的一个分支,专注于如何让机器通过图像或视频序列理解和解释视觉世界。数据集是计算机视觉研究中至关重要的组成部分,因为它们为训练和测试算法提供了必要的材料。数据集通常包含大量的图像、视频和相应的标注信息,这些标注信息包括了图像中的物体、场景、行为等信息。 2. 手势识别:手势识别技术允许计算机系统理解并解释人类的手势。该技术广泛应用于交互式界面、安全控制、人机交互、游戏以及辅助技术等领域。手势识别系统通常需要训练算法来识别不同手势的特点,如手型、运动和手指的位置等。 3. 图像数据集的构成:一个典型的图像数据集由多个部分组成,其中包含用于训练、验证和测试模型的图像。训练集用于模型学习识别不同特征,验证集用于调整模型的超参数并防止过拟合,测试集用于评估模型的泛化能力。每个数据集部分都配有标注文件,标注文件中包含了图像中对象的详细信息,如类别、边界框、关键点等,这些信息用于训练和评估算法的性能。 4. 数据集标注:数据集中的图像需要经过标注,以便于训练模型时能够理解哪些部分是重要的。标注工作通常由人工完成,也可以使用一些半自动化或自动化的工具来辅助。标注可以是分类标注,也可以是定位标注(如边界框、分割掩码),甚至包括精细的点标注(如关键点、地标)。 5. 数据集使用规则和权限:在本数据集中,包含一个ignore.txt文件,可能意味着在数据集使用过程中需要注意某些特定的规则或限制。通常,数据集制作者会设定特定的条件或权限,以确保数据的正确使用。在一些情况下,制作者会要求用户通过私信等方式获得对数据集的预览权限,这可能是因为数据集尚未公开发布,或者需要先了解用户的意图和背景。 6. 数据集的获取和隐私:本数据集并非开放获取,用户需要通过与作者联系的方式才能获得数据集的预览。这可能是因为数据集包含了个人或敏感信息,需要保护隐私。在使用含有个人隐私的数据集时,需要遵循相关的法律法规,如《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)或《个人信息保护法》(PIPL)等。
2023-06-06 上传

1444. Elephpotamus Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Harry Potter is taking an examination in Care for Magical Creatures. His task is to feed a dwarf elephpotamus. Harry remembers that elephpotamuses are very straightforward and imperturbable. In fact, they are so straightforward that always move along a straight line and they are so imperturbable that only move when attracted by something really tasty. In addition, if an elephpotamus stumbles into a chain of its own footprints, it falls into a stupor and refuses to go anywhere. According to Hagrid, elephpotamuses usually get back home moving along their footprints. This is why they never cross them, otherwise they may get lost. When an elephpotamus sees its footprints, it tries to remember in detail all its movements since leaving home (this is also the reason why they move along straight lines only, this way it is easier to memorize). Basing on this information, the animal calculates in which direction its burrow is situated, then turns and goes straight to it. It takes some (rather large) time for an elephpotamus to perform these calculations. And what some ignoramuses recognize as a stupor is in fact a demonstration of outstanding calculating abilities of this wonderful, though a bit slow-witted creature. Elephpotamuses' favorite dainty is elephant pumpkins, and some of such pumpkins grow on the lawn where Harry is to take his exam. At the start of the exam, Hagrid will drag the elephpotamus to one of the pumpkins. Having fed the animal with a pumpkin, Harry can direct it to any of the remaining pumpkins. In order to pass the exam, Harry must lead the elephpotamus so that it eats as many pumpkins as possible before it comes across its footprints. Input The first input line contains the number of pumpkins on the lawn N (3 ≤ N ≤ 30000). The pumpkins are numbered from 1 to N, the number one being assigned to the pumpkin to which the animal is brought at the start of the trial. In the next N lines, the coordinates of the pumpkins are given in the order corresponding to their numbers. All the coordinates are integers in the range from −1000 to 1000. It is guaranteed that there are no two pumpkins at the same location and there is no straight line passing through all the pumpkins. Output In the first line write the maximal number K of pumpkins that can be fed to the elephpotamus. In the next K lines, output the order in which the animal will eat them, giving one number in a line. The first number in this sequence must always be 1.写一段Java完成此目的

2023-06-03 上传