POSTGIS 1.5安装教程:JDK、Tomcat与GIS环境配置

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本篇文章是关于POSTGIS 1.5的安装指南,主要针对的是在Linux环境下对PostgreSQL 8.4.10、Proj 4.7.0、Geos 3.3.1以及PostGIS 1.5.3的安装步骤。以下是详细的安装过程: 1. **Java环境设置**: - 首先确保安装了Java Development Kit (JDK),这里使用的是版本6u21的Linux 64位版本。将下载的`jdk-6u21-linux-x64.bin`解压到`/home`目录下,并运行安装脚本,然后配置环境变量`JDK_HOME`,并创建一个软链接,以便于后续调用。 - 接着安装Tomcat 6.0.26,同样下载并解压到`/usr/java`,并创建指向`tomcat`和`apache-tomcat`的软链接。 2. **设置环境变量**: - 将``文件复制到`/etc/profile.d`,然后通过`source`命令使其生效。这样可以确保Java和Tomcat环境在系统启动时自动加载。 3. **GIS软件安装**: - 下载所需GIS库(proj-4.7.0, geos-3.3.1, 和 postgis-1.5.3)的源代码包,并解压到`/opt/download`目录。接下来,编辑`/etc/profile`或`/etc/profile.d/*.sh`文件,添加这些GIS库的环境变量设置,如`PGSQL_HOME`, `PROJ_HOME`, `GEOS_HOME`, 和 `GEOSCONFIG`。 4. **配置路径**: - 将`PATH`环境变量更新,以便在终端中能够访问PostgreSQL, Proj, Geos和PostGIS的相关工具。 通过以上步骤,用户可以成功安装并配置POSTGIS 1.5所需的Java、Tomcat和地理空间数据处理库环境。这为在Linux服务器上进行GIS数据分析和应用开发奠定了基础。在实际操作中,可能还需要根据系统的具体需求和权限设置进行调整。
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Create and manage spatial data with PostGIS Key Features Import and export geographic data from the PostGIS database using the available tools Maintain, optimize, and fine-tune spatial data for long-term viability Utilize the parallel support functionality that was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6 Book Description PostGIS is a spatial database that integrates the advanced storage and analysis of vector and raster data, and is remarkably flexible and powerful. PostGIS provides support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database and is currently the most popular open source spatial databases. If you want to explore the complete range of PostGIS techniques and expose related extensions, then this book is for you. This book is a comprehensive guide to PostGIS tools and concepts which are required to manage, manipulate, and analyze spatial data in PostGIS. It covers key spatial data manipulation tasks, explaining not only how each task is performed, but also why. It provides practical guidance allowing you to safely take advantage of the advanced technology in PostGIS in order to simplify your spatial database administration tasks. Furthermore, you will learn to take advantage of basic and advanced vector, raster, and routing approaches along with the concepts of data maintenance, optimization, and performance, and will help you to integrate these into a large ecosystem of desktop and web tools. By the end, you will be armed with all the tools and instructions you need to both manage the spatial database system and make better decisions as your project's requirements evolve. What you will learn Import and export geographic data from the PostGIS database using the available tools Structure spatial data using the functionality provided by a combination of PostgreSQL and PostGIS Work with a set of PostGIS functions to perform basic and advanced vector analyses Connect PostGIS with Python Learn to use programming frameworks around PostGIS Maintain, optimize, and fine-tune spatial data for long-term viability Explore the 3D capabilities of PostGIS, including LiDAR point clouds and point clouds derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques Distribute 3D models through the Web using the X3D standard Use PostGIS to develop powerful GIS web applications using Open Geospatial Consortium web standards Master PostGIS Raster Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who need some quick solutions for PostGIS. Prior knowledge of PostgreSQL and spatial concepts would be an added advantage. Table of Contents Chapter 1. MOVING DATA IN AND OUT OF POSTGIS Chapter 2. STRUCTURES THAT WORK Chapter 3. WORKING WITH VECTOR DATA THE BASICS Chapter 4. WORKING WITH VECTOR DATA ADVANCED RECIPES Chapter 5. WORKING WITH RASTER DATA Chapter 6. WORKING WITH PGROUTING Chapter 7. Into the Nth Dimension Chapter 8. POSTGIS PROGRAMMING Chapter 9. POSTGIS AND THE WEB Chapter 10. MAINTENANCE OPTIMIZATION AND PERFORMANCE TUNING Chapter 11. USING DESKTOP CLIENTS Chapter 12. Introduction to Location Privacy Protection Mechanisms