leptogenic areas capable of generating spontaneous seizures
(Bragin et al. 1999b, 2000).
To further study human high-frequency oscillations (HFOs),
we used a quantitative approach to address the following
questions: first, is there statistical evidence supporting distinct
modal oscillation frequencies within the frequency band of
80–500 Hz? Second, are there differences other than spectral
frequency, e.g., duration, that distinguish these oscillatory
events? Third, are some oscillations limited to seizure gener-
ating areas? To answer these questions, we studied HFOs in
patients that were surgically implanted with depth electrodes
required for localization of the epileptogenic region. Interictal
wideband EEG was recorded from Hip and EC areas during
overnight polysomnographic sleep studies. HFOs were de-
tected from the sleep EEG recordings using automated tech-
niques and each oscillation was characterized by its peak
spectral frequency, duration, and proximity to seizure-generat-
ing areas.
Patients with medically intractable complex partial seizures were
implanted with intracerebral clinical depth electrodes for localization
of seizure onset area because noninvasive testing suggested focal
seizure onsets but results were inconclusive. Prior to depth electrode
implantation, patients gave their informed consent for participation in
these research studies under the approval of the Internal Review
Board of the UCLA Office for Protection of Research Subjects. Each
patient was surgically implanted with 8–14 flexible polyurethane
clinical depth electrodes stereotactically targeted to clinically relevant
brain areas. EEG from these electrodes was continuously monitored
on the telemetry unit for an average of 2 wk to find those brain areas
in which spontaneous seizure activity began first (Fried et al. 1999).
Patients in whom a seizure onset area could be localized became
candidates for surgical removal of epileptogenic sites if resection of
the area would not produce unacceptable neurological deficit.
Classification of recording site pathology
Identification of the epileptogenic region was based primarily on
criteria from electrographic seizure recordings and neuroimaging (En-
gel 1996). Electrographic seizure onsets were recorded during the
patient’s depth electrode telemetry monitoring, and attending neurol-
ogists in the UCLA Seizure Disorders Center identified locations of
seizure onset based on the recording of multiple seizure occurrences
during the average 2 wk the patients spent in the hospital. In addition,
attending neurologists evaluated each patient’s fluorodeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography scans (FDG-PET) for the presence or
absence of areas of hypometabolism and its predominant location. A
single neuroradiologist at UCLA evaluated every patient’s magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) scans for the presence or absence of hip-
pocampal atrophy and its location as part of the clinical evaluation.
Recording sites were defined as “ipsilateral” if located in the same
hemisphere as areas where seizure onsets occurred. All Hip and EC
recording sites in patients (n ⫽ 5) with bilateral ictal onsets were
considered ipsilateral to seizure onset. Recording sites were defined as
“contralateral” if located in the hemisphere opposite to that of seizure
Electrodes and localization
Wideband EEG was recorded from bundles of nine platinum-
iridium microwires, which were inserted through the lumen of the
seven-contact clinical depth electrodes (1.25-mm diam), so that they
extended 3–5 mm beyond the tip of the clinical electrode (Fried et al.
1999). Microwires were 40
m in diameter with impedances ranging
from 200 to 500 k⍀. Electrode tips were localized using the combined
information from postimplant computed tomography (CT) scans co-
registered with preimplant 1.5T MRI scans (Staba et al. 2002). The
imaging software used (Brain Navigator, Grass-Telefactor, Philadel-
phia, PA) allowed for visualization and highlighting of electrode tip
locations on CT that were automatically registered to the MRI scans.
Anatomical boundaries were based on references of mesial temporal
lobe anatomy by Duvernoy (1998) and Amaral and Insausti (1990).
Only microwires verified as located in Hip and EC were used in
Sleep studies
Sleep studies were conducted on the hospital ward between the
hours of 10
PM and 7 AM. A sleep record was acquired for each patient
to correlate behavioral state with the concurrently recorded wideband
EEG. The sleep record consisted of two electro-ocular channels to
monitor eye movements, two electromyogram channels recording
from the patient’s chin to monitor muscle tone, and two EEG channels
recording from International 10–20 System positions C
and C
cm left and right, respectively, of midline at the skull vertex, depend-
ing on cranial size), each referenced to a contralateral auricle site, to
monitor neocortical activity (Jasper 1958). The recording was staged
according to the criteria of Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968) with
stages labeled as waking (Aw), nonrapid eye-movement (NREM)
sleep stages 1–4, and rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep. Episodes of
Aw consisted of patients lying in bed and either sitting quietly with
their eyes opened or engaged in quiet conversation with one of the
investigators. Because the objective of our study was to characterize
HFO activity in relation to areas of epileptogenicity, and the highest
probability of HFO occurrence coincides with NREM episodes (Bra-
gin et al. 1999a; Buzsaki et al. 1992; Suzuki and Smith 1988), the
current paper is limited to the analysis of HFOs that occurred during
episodes of NREM sleep i.e., stages 1–4.
High-frequency recordings and signal analysis
For each patient (n ⫽ 25), 16 channels of wideband (0.1 Hz to 5
kHz) interictal EEG were sampled from intracerebral microwires at 10
kHz with 12-bit precision using an R. C. Electronics EGAA acquisi-
tion system (Santa Barbara, CA). A 10-min NREM sleep-staged
epoch of wideband EEG was visually inspected for the presence of
HFO activity previously described within the non-primate and human
entorhinal-hippocampus axis (Bragin et al. 1999b; Buzsaki et al.
1992; O’Keefe and Nadel 1978). Channels demonstrating oscillations
with large amplitude sinusoid-like waves with frequencies between 80
and 500 Hz that were discernable above background EEG were
selected for analysis.
Between three and five channels of EEG per patient were selected
for detection and quantification of HFO events. The data analyzed for
each patient included only episodes that were recorded during poly-
somnographically defined NREM sleep. Figure 1 illustrates the tech-
nique used to detect HFOs. Each channel of wideband EEG was
digitally band-passed between 100 and 500 Hz (finite impulse re-
sponse filter, rolloff, ⫺33 dB/octave), and the root mean square
(RMS; 3-ms sliding window) amplitude of the filtered signal was
calculated (DataPac 2K2, Run Technologies, Mission Viejo, CA).
Multiple filter cutoff frequencies and roll-off value combinations were
tested to determine filter settings that would optimally pass the fre-
quencies between 80 and 500 Hz. Successive RMS values with
amplitudes ⬎5 SDs above the mean amplitude of the RMS signal (i.e.,
mean amplitude calculated over the entire length of data file) longer
than 6 ms in duration were detected and delimited by onset and offset
boundary time markers as putative HFOs. Consecutive events sepa-
J Neurophysiol • VOL 88 • OCTOBER 2002 • www.jn.org
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