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"JAVA AOP实践指南 - AspectJ in Action" AspectJ in Action 是一本专注于实践面向切面编程(AOP)的专业书籍,尤其关注AspectJ这一强大的Java AOP框架。面向切面编程是一种编程范式,它允许程序员将关注点(如日志、事务管理、安全性等)与核心业务逻辑分离,从而提高代码的可维护性和模块化。AspectJ是Java生态系统中的一个开源项目,它提供了静态类型的、编译时和运行时的AOP支持。 本书由Ramnivas Laddad撰写,他是一位经验丰富的软件开发者和作者,专注于企业级Java应用和开源软件。书中深入浅出地介绍了AOP的概念和AspectJ的使用,旨在帮助读者理解AOP技术并将其应用于实际开发中。 在内容方面,读者可以期待以下知识点: 1. **AOP基础**:了解AOP的核心概念,如切面、通知(advice)、连接点(join point)、切入点(pointcut)和织入(weaving)。这些概念是理解AOP的基础,也是使用AspectJ的前提。 2. **AspectJ语法**:学习AspectJ的语法和DSL(领域特定语言),如何定义切面、编写通知,并创建精确的切入点表达式,以控制何时何地执行切面逻辑。 3. **织入过程**:理解AspectJ的织入机制,包括编译时织入、加载时织入和运行时织入的区别和应用场景。 4. **实战应用**:通过示例展示如何使用AspectJ解决实际问题,如日志记录、事务管理、性能监控等。这些示例将帮助读者掌握AOP的实际价值。 5. **与其他Java框架集成**:探讨AspectJ与其他Java框架(如Spring)的集成,利用AOP增强框架功能。 6. **最佳实践和设计模式**:学习AOP设计原则和最佳实践,避免潜在的问题,以及如何在项目中有效地组织切面。 7. **调试和测试**:了解如何调试和测试切面代码,确保其正确性和可靠性。 8. **性能和影响**:讨论AOP对应用程序性能的影响,以及如何优化切面以减少开销。 通过阅读这本书,开发者不仅能获得AOP的理论知识,还能掌握AspectJ的实际操作技巧,从而在Java开发中更高效地实现关注点分离,提升代码质量。同时,书中的案例和实战指导将使读者能够快速上手并应用到自己的项目中。
2019-07-19 上传
Unity in Action, Second Edition is a book about programming games in Unity. Think of it as an intro to Unity for experienced programmers. The goal of this book is straightfor- ward: to take people who have some programming experience but no experience with Unity and teach them how to develop a game using Unity. The best way of teaching development is through example projects, with students learning by doing, and that’s the approach this book takes. I’ll present topics as steps toward building sample games, and you’ll be encouraged to build these games in Unity while exploring the book. We’ll go through a selection of different projects every few chapters, rather than one monolithic project developed over the entire book. (Some- times other books take the “one monolithic project” approach, but that can make it hard to jump into the middle if the early chapters aren’t relevant to you.) This book will have more rigorous programming content than most Unity books (especially beginners’ books). Unity is often portrayed as a list of features with no pro- gramming required, which is a misleading view that won’t teach people what they need to know in order to produce commercial titles. If you don’t already know how to pro- gram a computer, I suggest going to a resource like Codecademy first (the computer programming lessons at Khan Academy work well, too) and then come back to this book after learning how to program. Don’t worry about the exact programming language; C# is used throughout this book, but skills from other languages will transfer quite well. Although the first part of the book will take its time introducing new concepts and will carefully and deliberately