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收藏 454KB DOCX 举报
Based on the Windows Enterprise Network Construction and Management, this graduation thesis aims to explore the implementation and management of a medium-sized enterprise network using the Windows operating system. With the widespread adoption of computers and the Internet, more and more companies are entering the "information age" with the goal of facilitating IT department managers to effectively manage the organization's computer systems.
The thesis begins with an analysis of the geographical environment within the enterprise, identifying key points in the design and implementation of the network infrastructure. A comprehensive network architecture is then developed, taking into consideration the specific requirements of the enterprise users. To facilitate access to internal resources for employees and other corporate clients, a VPN server is established, with the use of AD domain group policies for managing end-users and implementing security settings on servers.
The implementation of this design leads to the rationalization of management for all enterprise terminals, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and expediting the modernization process of the enterprise. The keywords for this thesis include VPN, Active Directory, and network security.
In conclusion, this graduation thesis provides a detailed guide for the construction and management of a medium-sized enterprise network based on the Windows operating system. The practical implementation of networking solutions outlined in this thesis serves as a valuable resource for IT professionals seeking to optimize the performance and security of their organization's computer systems. Through the utilization of Windows-based networking technologies, enterprises can effectively streamline their operations and enhance their competitiveness in the modern digital landscape.
2023-08-11 上传
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