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The graduation design project "PC-based DELPHI Serial Wireless Communication with Single Chip Computer.doc" simulates and debugs the control console for terminal control according to design requirements and functional implementation. The communication control software of the control console is written. The combination of serial communication and wireless communication is debugged to achieve ideal control commands. The coding method is introduced, and the single-chip wireless chip is applied in the experiment. The design of the wireless module and the design requirements of the application circuit are introduced, the use of serial wireless communication in control is explained, and the development and future development trends of serial wireless communication and future infinite communication are foreseen. This paper also proposes the secondary development and advanced applications of the solution, providing software and hardware interfaces for secondary development, realizing the cultivation of knowledge application and professional skills, and providing new directions and development prospects for serial communication. Keywords: RS-232; DELPHI; nRF905; AVR-MCU; wireless communication circuit
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