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Java编程快速入门指南 Java编程语言自1995年由Sun Microsystems由James Gosling发起并发布以来,一直以其独特的设计和广泛的应用而备受瞩目。最初的版本称为Java 1.0(J2SE),标志着Java平台的诞生。随着技术的发展,Java Standard Edition (JSE) 的最新版本是Java SE 8,旨在适应各种平台的需求,例如企业应用的J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)和移动应用的J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)。 Java的核心特性使其在全球范围内流行起来。首先,Java是一种面向对象的语言,其核心理念是万物皆为对象。这种设计使得Java具有强大的可扩展性,因为它建立在对象模型之上,开发者可以轻松地添加新的类和方法,扩展现有框架。 其次,Java强调“一次编写,到处运行”(Write Once, Run Anywhere),这是其平台无关性的关键。与其他编程语言如C和C++不同,Java源代码在编译时不会直接转换为目标平台特定的机器代码。相反,它被编译成中间的平台无关的字节码(Bytecode),这些字节码可以在任何支持Java的环境中运行,无需进行重新编译。这一特性使得Java能够在多种操作系统和硬件上无缝运行,极大地降低了部署和维护的复杂性。 Java的平台独立性还体现在它的虚拟机(Virtual Machine, JVM)上,JVM负责执行字节码。这使得Java程序员可以在开发环境中编写代码,然后打包成JAR或WAR文件,部署到任何支持Java的服务器上,无论该服务器是在Windows、Linux还是其他操作系统上。 此外,Java的内存管理和垃圾回收机制也是其亮点,自动内存管理减少了开发者对内存管理的繁琐工作,提高了程序的稳定性和可靠性。同时,Java的异常处理机制使得错误处理更为直观和统一,有助于提高代码质量。 Java的API库非常庞大,涵盖了网络编程、图形用户界面(GUI)、数据库操作等多个领域,为开发者提供了丰富的工具和框架。随着时间的推移,Java生态系统持续发展,包括Spring、Hibernate等开源框架的出现,进一步推动了企业级应用和Web开发的发展。 Java编程快速入门涉及的主要知识点包括:面向对象编程原则、平台无关性、JVM和字节码、内存管理和垃圾回收、异常处理、Java API库的使用以及现代Java框架的运用。通过学习这些内容,初学者能够建立起扎实的Java编程基础,并逐步适应这个广泛应用于企业级开发和移动应用开发的编程语言。
2019-02-25 上传
Programming is an art. Although traditional art imitates life, programming simulates life. Every abstract concept in programming, and to a great extent in the fi eld of computer science, has its roots in our daily life. For example, humans and possibly all other living forms were multiprocessing long before the term entered into computer science lingo. Th erefore, any concept in programming can in fact be illustrated through examples from our dayto-day life. Such an approach not only enables the student to assimilate and internalize the concept presented in a programming situation but also provides a solid foundation for the very process of programming, namely, the simulation of the real world. Unfortunately, textbooks currently on the market do not exploit this fact through examples or meaningful discussions. Th us, for many students, an abstract concept remains abstract. Th is is especially true in the case of object-oriented programming. Th e “wow moment” one gets by seeing programming as a simulation of the real-world situation is never realized. Th is book on Java programming teaches object-oriented design and programming principles in a completely integrated and incremental fashion. Th is book allows the reader to experience the world we live in as object-oriented. From the very outset the reader will realize that everything in this world is an object. Every concept of object-oriented design is fi rst illustrated through real-life analogy. Corresponding Java language constructs are introduced in an integrated fashion to demonstrate the programming required to simulate the real-world situation. Instead of compartmentalizing all the object-oriented concepts into one chapter, this book takes an incremental approach. Th e pedagogy of this book mirrors the classroom style the author has developed over the years as a teacher of computer science. In particular, every programming concept is introduced through simple examples followed by short programming examples. Case studies at the end of each chapter illustrate various design issues as well as the usefulness of many new concepts encountered in that chapter. Java has emerged as the primary language for soft ware development. From a soft ware engineering perspective, object-oriented design has established itself as the industry standard. Th us, more and more teaching institutions are moving toward a CS1 course that teaches Java programming and object-oriented design principles. A common approach followed in many textbooks on the market is to introduce object-oriented concepts from the very beginning and ignore many traditional programming techniques completely. Th e objective of this book is to present object-oriented programming and design without compromising the training one needs on traditional programming constructs and structures.