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Principle of Communication System 1.1.pptx is a comprehensive document that serves as a guide for the course "Principle of Communication System". The document was presented during a session on September 16th, 2014 by the teacher Chenrui, whose contact information was provided for further assistance. The course is categorized as a core course in the field of communications engineering and electronic information engineering, making it a fundamental course for students in related professional fields.
The main objective of the course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of how communication systems work, both analog and digital communications. Additionally, the course aims to introduce students to basic knowledge of information theory and help them comprehend key concepts in the field. Throughout the course, students will learn about the principles and mechanisms behind communication systems, as well as how to apply this knowledge in practice.
Furthermore, the course covers topics such as modulation, signal processing, coding theory, and error control in communication systems. Students will also learn about the various components of a communication system, including transmitters, receivers, channels, and protocols. By the end of the course, students are expected to have a solid understanding of communication systems and be able to analyze and design communication networks effectively.
Overall, Principle of Communication System 1.1.pptx provides a comprehensive overview of the course objectives, content, and expectations. With the guidance of the teacher Chenrui and the resources provided in the document, students can expect to gain a deeper understanding of communication systems and develop the necessary skills to succeed in their professional careers.
178 浏览量
159 浏览量
2021-05-23 上传
2021-05-23 上传
2021-05-23 上传
2021-05-23 上传
2021-05-23 上传
2021-05-23 上传
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