Bootstrap 3入门项目实操:快速掌握Bootstrap3

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Bootstrap 是一个流行的前端框架,由 Twitter 的开发者团队创建和维护。Bootstrap 3 是该框架的一个重要版本,它在简化网站开发流程和增强响应式设计方面发挥了重要作用。此入门项目提供了学习和实践Bootstrap 3的平台,适合前端开发者和设计者使用。 ### HTML 基础知识 HTML(超文本标记语言)是用于创建网页的标准标记语言。Bootstrap 3 项目主要基于HTML来构建界面,并通过引入一些额外的类和结构来实现设计和布局。以下是一些HTML的基础知识点,对于理解和使用Bootstrap 3至关重要: - **HTML标签**:HTML文档由标签构成,标签是定义网页结构的标记,例如 `<html>`, `<head>`, `<title>`, `<body>` 等。Bootstrap 3使用这些基本标签,并加入自定义的类来实现复杂的布局和设计。 - **CSS类和ID**:CSS类用于定义HTML元素的样式,ID用于区分文档中的唯一元素。Bootstrap 3广泛使用预定义的类来控制元素的外观和行为。 - **响应式网页设计**:响应式设计允许网页能够自适应不同屏幕尺寸和设备。Bootstrap 3的核心优势之一就是它的响应式设计功能,它使用媒体查询和栅格系统来创建适合不同屏幕的布局。 ### Bootstrap 3 的核心特性 Bootstrap 3作为一个前端框架,提供了一套完整的CSS样式和JavaScript插件,使得开发者能够快速地进行响应式网页设计。以下是Bootstrap 3的一些核心特性: - **栅格系统**:Bootstrap 3引入了一个灵活的12列网格系统,允许开发者创建复杂的响应式布局。这可以通过在一个`.container`内使用`.row`和`.col-xs-*`等类来实现。 - **预定义样式**:提供了一套丰富的预定义样式,包括按钮、表单、表格、图片等元素的样式,这大大减少了开发者编写自定义CSS的时间。 - **组件**:Bootstrap 3还包含了许多预制的组件,如导航条、轮播图、模态框、警告框等,这些组件都是响应式的,可以直接在项目中使用。 - **JavaScript插件**:为了增强网页的交互性,Bootstrap 3还包含了一组JavaScript插件。这些插件依赖于jQuery库,并且通常与Bootstrap的CSS一起使用以实现最佳效果。 ### 入门项目实践 在本入门项目中,参与者可以通过以下步骤来实践Bootstrap 3的使用: 1. **项目结构理解**:首先,应该熟悉项目的基本结构,了解不同文件的作用和如何组织项目资源。 2. **HTML文件编写**:创建基本的HTML文件,并引入Bootstrap 3的CSS和JavaScript文件。可以通过CDN链接或下载到本地来引入Bootstrap。 3. **栅格布局实践**:利用Bootstrap的栅格系统,创建一个响应式的页面布局。尝试在不同屏幕尺寸下查看页面效果,确保布局能够适应各种显示环境。 4. **组件和插件应用**:尝试在页面中添加Bootstrap提供的组件,如导航栏、分页、模态框等,并通过JavaScript插件实现一些动态功能。 5. **自定义样式和行为**:虽然Bootstrap提供了一套现成的样式和组件,但很多时候仍需要根据具体需求进行定制。学习如何覆盖Bootstrap的默认样式,并编写必要的JavaScript代码以增加个性化功能。 6. **测试和调试**:在开发过程中,不断测试页面在不同浏览器和设备上的表现,并进行必要的调试和优化。 通过以上步骤,开发者可以掌握Bootstrap 3的基本使用方法,并能够在实际项目中实现响应式网页设计。这个入门项目为初学者提供了一个很好的起点,让他们能够快速上手并深入理解Bootstrap 3的强大功能。
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Master Bootstrap 4's frontend framework and build your websites faster than ever before About This Book Become an expert in Bootstrap framework, and speed up front-end development and prototyping through real-life examples An applied guide exploring two web applications such as Twitter and Dashboard from scratch Hands on the Bootstrap version 4 even before the official release Who This Book Is For If you are a frontend developer with no knowledge of Bootstrap, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is expected, as well as a reasonable understanding of web frameworks, such as jQuery. What You Will Learn Discover how to use Bootstrap's components and elements, and to customize them for your own projects Understand the framework's usage in the best way with the recommended development patterns Create web pages for any kind of device like tablet, mobile, computer, etc. Construct a Twitter app by exploring the advanced bootstrap components like Breadcrumbs, Pagination, Media objects, and so on Combine the power of JavaScript with your Bootstrap app for more functionality Create a Dashboard web app using Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins Learn the difference between Bootstrap's version 3 and 4 of the framework Extend your knowledge on Bootstrap's external plugins, their incorporation and usage In Detail Bootstrap is a free, open source collection of tools that helps developers create websites or web applications. It provides a faster, easier, and less repetitive solution to designing and building applications. Before Bootstrap's release, it was necessary to import a variety of libraries into your project that offered different components and features for web interface development. Plus with the increased popularity of smartphones there were lack of libraries that could handle the responsiveness of a web page. Bootstrap‘s existence let it quickly become famous as a front-end framework that offered a wide set of tools from page grid up to components that render a web page in the best possible way for any device. This book will be a tutorial covering various examples as well as step-by-step methodology to create interesting web applications using Bootstrap and to understand the front-end framework to its core. We begin with an introduction to the Bootstrap framework and setting up an environment to build a simple web page. We then cover the grid system, basic Bootstrap components, HTML elements, and customization components for responsive and mobile first development. This is presented by creating a beautiful Landing page sample. You will also learn how to create a web application like Twitter by using the full set of components offered in the framework. Finally, you will learn to create a dashboard web app, using Bootstrap to its finest potential including component customizations, event handling, and external library integration. All these examples are explained step-by-step and in depth, while covering the versions 3 and the most recent version 4 of Bootstrap. So, you will be in the state of the art for front-end development. By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the development of a plugin for the framework and Bootstrap's world which is popular for fast paced front-end web development, used in countless projects all over the world, and now yours. Style and approach This is a step-by-step guide that closely focuses on developing web applications in most objective way solving real-life problems with Bootstrap. It covers two sample web applications, which are explained in detail. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Creating a Solid Scaffolding Chapter 3. Yes, You Should Go Mobile First Chapter 4. Applying the Bootstrap Style Chapter 5. Making It Fancy Chapter 6. Can You Build a Web App? Chapter 7. Of Course, You Can Build a Web App! Chapter 8. Working with JavaScript Chapter 9. Entering in the Advanced Mode Chapter 10. Bringing Components to Life Chapter 11. Making It Your Taste