
0 下载量 196 浏览量 更新于2023-12-22 收藏 2.92MB PDF 举报
Kubernetes is naturally suitable for microservices due to its ability to effectively address the three major architectures of enterprise cloud migration: IT architecture, application architecture, and data architecture. For most enterprises, the impetus for cloud migration originates from the IT department, typically led by the operations team. Their focus is on computing, networking, and storage, aiming to reduce CAPEX and OPEX through cloud computing services. Companies with business-to-consumer (ToC) operations have accumulated a large amount of user data, requiring data architecture considerations for big data analysis and digital operations. On the other hand, enterprises engaged in internet applications prioritize application architecture to meet end-user demands and deliver a superior user experience. These companies often experience explosive growth in business volume, necessitating a high-concurrency application architecture that allows for rapid iteration to seize opportunities. Prior to the emergence of containers, these three architectures were typically addressed using virtual machine cloud platforms. However, with the advent of containers, their lightweight, encapsulation, standardization, portability, and ease of delivery have made container technology widely popular. Nevertheless, due to their differing roles and perspectives, the three types of stakeholders have varying interpretations and expectations of Kubernetes and its suitability for microservices.