damping, to shift its real part (downwards). This shift, however, should be carefully
distinguished from the one occurring in the above case of the nucleus; unlike the
latter, it is entirely determined by the phenomenological dissipative coefficient (here
R) and does not require any modification of the “potential” term in the Lagrangian
(here @*/2L). Th us, on elementary physical grounds we do not in this case expect the
coupling of the circuit to the dissipative element to result in a “frequency-
renormalization effect” as we have defined the term. It follows, of course, that in
choosing an effective Lagrangian to describe the coupling of the “system” (circuit) to
the “environment” (resistor) we must take care to ensure this result. Actually, it turns
out that a sufficiently careful analysis of the standard Lagrangian technique as
applied to electromagnetic interactions will automatically guarantee this, and we
carry out such an analysis in Appendix A.
Another case in which we do not, on physical grounds, expect a frequency-
renormalization effect to occur is that of adiabatic coupling. That is, if we start from
the dynamics of a system interacting strongly with its environment but described by
the zeroth-order adiabatic approximation (which allows no dissipation), and then add
as the dissipation-producing interaction the terms omitted in this approximation, then
we would expect that these terms do not lead to a frequency-renormalization effect,
since any such effect should already have been taken into account in the zeroth-order
approximation. We shall demonstrate explicitly in Appendix C that this expectation is
correct (to lowest nontrivial order in the departure from adiabaticity).
We see, therefore, that the question “How is quantum tunnelling affected by
dissipation?” is not necessarily equivalent to the question “How is quantum
tunnelling affected by the interaction with the environment which produces the
dissipation?” In considering the latter question it may, depending on the physical
nature of the system considered, be necessary to take into account frequency-
renormalization effects. Since it is the first question we wish to consider in this paper,
it is convenient to be able to treat all cases in a unified way, irrespective of whether
or not they show physical frequency-renormalization effects (which in many
macroscopic cases of practical interest are likely to be experimentally unobservable
even if they occur). The obvious way to do this is to treat the V(q) which appears in
Eq. (2.1) not as the original “bare” potential V,(q) seen by the isolated system, but as
the renormalized potential, that is the quantity V,(q) - $I4 ldto2/ q2 (or the
appropriate nonlinear generalization, see Appendix C). In cases where there is no
physical frequency-renormalization effect,
then obviously V(q) = V,(q). Conse-
quently, our restrictions concerning smoothness, barrier height, etc. should always be
understood as referring to the renormalized potential.
To sum up, we wish to compare the tunnelling characteristics of a system whose
quasiclassical dynamics is given by the damped equation of motion (2.8) with those
of a reference system described by (2.7), for the same porential function V(q), (and,
of course, the same mass) irrespective of whether or not the potential seen by the real
(dissipative) system contains a contribution from frequency-renormalization effects.
There is, however, one respect in which our formulation of the problem is still
ambiguous. What, precisely, do we mean by the statement that Eq. (2.8) holds “under