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资源摘要信息:"本书是一本面向希望使用C语言进行网络编程的读者的实用指南。作者Lewis Van Winkle通过本书向读者介绍了C语言中套接字编程的基础和高级技术,旨在帮助读者编写安全且性能优化的网络代码。网络编程在C语言中是一门复杂而重要的技能,涉及到操作系统级别的API调用。本书的目标是降低这一主题的难度,使其对初学者和有一定编程基础的开发者都易于理解和实践。 书中详细介绍了跨平台套接字编程API的使用,涵盖了支持IPv4和IPv6技术的实现方法。读者将学习到TCP和UDP连接是如何在IP层面上工作的,以及主机名解析和DNS的工作原理。此外,书中还包含了使用HTTP和HTTPS协议与Web API接口的实践操作,以及获取电子邮件协议(如SMTP)的实践经验。 随着物联网(IoT)技术的发展,本书也探讨了网络编程在物联网领域的新应用和方法。通过一系列实际网络应用案例的学习,读者可以积累现实世界的专业知识,理解并应用这些知识解决实际问题。 本书适合作为对网络编程感兴趣的程序员和网络工程师的参考书。通过本书,读者不仅能够掌握网络编程的基本原理和实践技能,还能够深入理解如何将这些技能应用到实际的网络应用程序开发中。对于想要深入学习C语言网络编程的读者来说,本书提供了一个宝贵的资源库,其中包含了丰富的示例代码和详细解释,旨在帮助读者提高编程技能并应用于现代网络环境。 附注:由于信息量有限,以上内容为根据提供的文件信息所做的一般性描述和推断,具体的内容细节、代码示例以及目录结构需要直接查阅书籍或相关资源。" 【注】:以上信息均为基于提供的文件信息的摘要描述,实际书籍内容需要通过购买或查阅相关资源进行学习。
2019-05-17 上传
Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core: A comprehensive guide to understanding network architecture, communication protocols, and network analysis to build secure applications compatible with the latest versions of C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0 The C# language and the .NET Core application framework provide the tools and patterns required to make the discipline of network programming as intuitive and enjoyable as any other aspect of C# programming. With the help of this book, you will discover how the C# language and the .NET Core framework make this possible. The book begins by introducing the core concepts of network programming, and what distinguishes this field of programming from other disciplines. After this, you will gain insights into concepts such as transport protocols, sockets and ports, and remote data streams, which will provide you with a holistic understanding of how network software fits into larger distributed systems. The book will also explore the intricacies of how network software is implemented in a more explicit context, by covering sockets, connection strategies such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), asynchronous processing, and threads. You will then be able to work through code examples for TCP servers, web APIs served over HTTP, and a Secure Shell (SSH) client. What You Will Learn Understand the breadth of C#’s network programming utility classes Utilize network-layer architecture and organizational strategies Implement various communication and transport protocols within C# Discover hands-on examples of distributed application development Gain hands-on experience with asynchronous socket programming and streams Learn how C# and the .NET Core runtime interact with a hosting network Understand a full suite of network programming tools and features By the end of this Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core book, you will have a good understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (