A Quantitative Analysis on Microarchitectures of
Modern CPU-FPGA Platforms
Young-kyu Choi Jason Cong Zhenman Fang
Yuchen Hao Glenn Reinman Peng Wei
Center for Domain-Specific Computing, University of California, Los Angeles
{ykchoi, cong, zhenman, haoyc, reinman, peng.wei.prc}@cs.ucla.edu
CPU-FPGA heterogeneous acceleration platforms have shown
great potential for continued performance and energy efficiency im-
provement for modern data centers, and have captured great atten-
tion from both academia and industry. However, it is nontrivial for
users to choose the right platform among various PCIe and QPI
based CPU-FPGA platforms from different vendors. This paper
aims to find out what microarchitectural characteristics affect the
performance, and how. We conduct our quantitative comparison
and in-depth analysis on two representative platforms: QPI-based
Intel-Altera HARP with coherent shared memory, and PCIe-based
Alpha Data board with private device memory. We provide multi-
ple insights for both application developers and platform designers.
In today’s data center design, power and energy efficiency have
become two of the primary constraints. The increasing demand
for energy-efficient high-performance computing has stimulated a
growing number of heterogeneous architectures that feature hard-
ware accelerators or coprocessors, such as GPUs (Graphics Pro-
cessing Units), FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), and
ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits). Among various
heterogeneous acceleration platforms, the FPGA-based approach
is considered to be one of the most promising directions, since
FPGAs provide low power and high energy efficiency, and can be
reprogrammed to accelerate different applications. For example,
Microsoft has designed a customized FPGA board called Catapult
and deployed it in its data center [16], which improved the rank-
ing throughput of the Bing search engine by 2x. In other words, the
number of servers can be reduced by 2x with each new CPU-FPGA
server consuming only 10% more power.
Motivated by FPGAs’ high energy efficiency and reprogramma-
bility, industry vendors, such as Microsoft, Intel/Altera, Xilinx,
IBM and Convey, are providing various ways to integrate high-
performance FPGAs into data center servers. We have classified
modern CPU-FPGA acceleration platforms in Table 1 according
to their physical integration and memory models. Traditionally,
the most widely used integration is to connect an FPGA to a CPU
via PCIe, with both components equipped with private memory.
Many FPGA boards built on top of Xilinx or Altera FPGAs use
this way of integration because of its extensibility. The customized
Microsoft Catapult board integration is such an example. Another
example is the Alpha Data FPGA board [1] with Xilinx FPGA
fabric that can leverage the Xilinx SDAccel development environ-
ment [2] to support efficient accelerator design using high-level
programming languages, including C/C++ and OpenCL. More-
over, vendors like IBM tend to support a PCIe connection with
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DAC ’16, June 05-09, 2016, Austin, TX, USA
2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4236-0/16/06. . . $15.00
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2897937.2897972
Table 1: Classification of modern CPU-FPGA platforms
Separate Private Memory Coherent Shared Memory
PCIe Peripheral
Alpha Data board [2],
Microsoft Catapult [16]
Intel-Altera HARP (QPI) [13],
Convey HC-1 (FSB) [4]
a coherent shared memory for easier programming. For exam-
ple, IBM has been developing the Coherent Accelerator Processor
Interface (CAPI) on POWER8 [19] for such an integration, and
has used this platform in the IBM data engine for NoSQL [3].
More recently, closer integration becomes available using a new
class of processor interconnects such as Front-Side Bus (FSB) and
the newer QuickPath Interconnect (QPI), and provides a coherent
shared memory, such as the FSB-based Convey machine [4] and,
the latest Intel-Altera Heterogeneous Architecture Research Plat-
form (HARP) [13] that targets data centers.
The evolvement of various CPU-FPGA platforms brings up two
challenging questions: 1) which platform should we choose to gain
better performance and energy efficiency? and 2) how can we de-
sign an optimal accelerator on a given platform? There are nu-
merous factors that can affect the choice and optimization, such
as platform cost, programming models and efforts, logic resource
and frequency of FPGA fabric, CPU-FPGA communication latency
and bandwidth, to name just a few. While some of them are easy
to figure out, others are nontrivial, especially the communication
latency and bandwidth between CPU and FPGA under different
integration. One reason is that there are few publicly available doc-
uments for newly announced platforms like HARP
. More impor-
tantly, those architectural parameters in the datasheets are often ad-
vertised values, which are usually difficult to achieve in practice.
Actually, sometimes there could be a huge gap between the ad-
vertised numbers and practical numbers. For example, the adver-
tised bandwidth of the PCIe Gen3 x8 interface is 8GB/s; however,
our experimental results show that the PCIe-equipped Alpha Data
platform can only provide 1.6GB/s PCIe-DMA bandwidth using
OpenCL APIs implemented by Xilinx (see Section 3.2.1). Quan-
titative evaluation and in-depth analysis of such kinds of microar-
chitectural characteristics could aid CPU-FPGA platform users to
accurately predict (and optimize) the performance of a candidate
accelerator design on a platform, and make the right choice. Fur-
thermore, it could also benefit CPU-FPGA platform designers for
identifying performance bottlenecks and providing better hardware
and software support.
Motivated by those potential benefits to both platform users and
designers, this paper aims to discover what microarchitectural char-
acteristics affect the performance of modern CPU-FPGA platforms,
and evaluate how they will affect that performance. We conduct our
quantitative comparison on two representative modern CPU-FPGA
platforms to cover both integration dimensions, i.e., PCIe-based vs.
QPI-based, and private vs. shared memory model. One is the re-
cently announced QPI-based HARP with coherent shared memory,
and the other is the commonly used PCIe-based Alpha Data with
separate private memory. We quantify each platform’s CPU-FPGA
communication latency and bandwidth with in-depth analysis, and
For simplicity, in the rest of this paper, we will use HARP for the
Intel-Altera HARP platform, and Alpha Data for the Alpha Data
board integrated with a Xeon CPU.