ISA99, WG10, TG01 11 ISA-99.02.02, D1E4, March 2011
NOTE The format of this document follows the ISO/IEC requirements discussed in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The ISO/IEC Directives specify
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of this document use the conventions discussed in the ISO/IEC Directives, Appendix H.
The initial content of this section is based on similar material from other standards in the ISA99 series. This is
provided only as a starting point.
Industrial automation and control system (IACS) organizations increasingly use commercial-
off-the-shelf (COTS) networked devices that are inexpensive, efficient and highly automated.
These devices and networking technologies provide an increased opportunity for cyber attack
against the IACS equipment. This weakness may lead to health, safety and environmental
(HSE) consequences in deployed systems.
Organizations deploying pre-existing information technology (IT) and business cyber security
solutions to address IACS security may not fully comprehend the results of this decision.
While many business IT applications and security solutions can be applied to IACS, they need
to be applied in the correct way to eliminate inadvertent consequences. For this reason, the
approach used to define system requirements needs to be based on a combination of
functional and consequence analysis, and often an awareness of operational issues as well.
The primary goal of the ISA‑99 series is to provide a flexible framework that facilitates
addressing current and future vulnerabilities in IACS and applying necessary mitigations in a
systematic, defensible manner. It is important to understand that the intention of the ISA‑99
series is to build extensions to enterprise security that adapt the requirements for IT business
systems and combine them with the unique requirements that embrace the strong availability
needed by IACS. The ISA‑99 committee has made every effort to avoid building unique
stovepipe security architectures for IACS.
This International Standard provides interpretation guidelines for the implementation and
management of information security management for Industrial Automation and Control
Systems (IACS). The approach used is consistent with ISO/IEC 27002 (Code of practice for
information security management).
IACS security goals focus on system availability, plant protection, plant operations (even if in
a degraded mode), and time-critical system response. IT security goals often do not place the
same emphasis on these factors. They may be more concerned with protecting information
rather than physical assets. These different goals need to be clearly stated as security
objectives regardless of the degree of plant integration achieved.
This document assumes that a security program has been established in accordance with
ISA‑99.02.01 and that patch management is implemented consistent with the
recommendations detailed in ISA‑TR99.02.03.
The audience for the information in this standard includes asset owners, those responsible for
information security; system vendors, auditors, and application content providers, with a
common set of general security control objectives based on ISO/IEC 27002, IACS specific
controls, and information security management guidelines allowing for the selection and
implementation of such controls.
SKELETON NOTE For most documents in the ISA-99 series, the Introduction will probably be labeled as Clause
0, since there are sub-clauses included. This is common. The Introduction should be limited to no more than 2
pages and should contain no figures. If figures are needed, then that section should be moved to Clause 4+ or an
Annex. If you need a Clause 0, you will nee
Numbers in square brackets refer to the Bibliography.
This copy of a draft work product of the ISA99 committee is provided solely for the purpose of supporting the further development of committee work products.
The content has not been formally reviewed or approved by the committee or ISA. It may not be complete and is subject to change.
This document may not be copied, distributed to others or offered for further reproduction or for sale.