
DOC格式 | 920KB | 更新于2024-03-15 | 89 浏览量 | 1 下载量 举报
Pseudo-random sequences play a crucial role in modern engineering applications, especially in signal encryption and spread-spectrum communication systems. The study of pseudo-random sequences has become increasingly important due to their significance in these fields. In this thesis, we focus on the modeling and design of commonly used pseudo-random sequences such as m-sequences using MATLAB. We calculate the correlation coefficients of these sequences and simulate them using MATLAB to observe their characteristics. By fitting curves using MATLAB, we compare the correlation properties of different pseudo-random sequences to determine their unique features. This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the performance of pseudo-random sequences and their correlation properties using MATLAB as a tool. Key words: pseudo-random sequences; m-sequences; correlation; MATLAB.
