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《Docker in Action 第二版》是一本由Manning Early Access Program (MEAPEdition) 出版的实用指南,专为Linux软件初学者和中级用户或作者设计。自第一版发布以来,容器技术世界发生了显著变化,本书旨在适应这一发展,提供最新知识。第二版的版权信息为2019年Manning Publications,读者可以在其官网www.manning.com获取更多信息。 本书主要涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. Docker基础知识:作为教程的起点,它会引导读者了解Docker的基本概念,包括如何安装、配置和管理Docker环境。读者将学习到如何创建、运行和停止容器,以及容器与虚拟机的区别。 2. 容器核心概念:深入探讨容器的设计原则,如轻量级、隔离性、端口映射和共享存储等,这些都是理解和使用Docker的关键要素。 3. 连续容器交付:随着DevOps实践的普及,本书会介绍如何在开发、构建和部署过程中有效地利用Docker进行自动化,实现从代码到生产环境的无缝流程。 4. 中级主题:除了基础内容,还涉及更高级的主题,如Docker Compose和Swarm集群管理、安全性和最佳实践、以及容器镜像的构建和分发。 5. 协同作者贡献:新版本引入了Stephen Kuenzlia作为合著者,两人的专业知识和经验将为读者带来更全面的视角和解决方案,共同应对快速变化的容器和编排生态系统中的挑战。 6. 用户反馈与互动:购买MEAP版本的读者可以参与Manning论坛的讨论,提出问题和分享见解,这些反馈将在书籍生产过程中得到清理和优化。 《Docker in Action 第二版》是一个与时俱进的资源,不仅适合入门者提升技能,也适合有一定基础的开发者深化理解,跟随作者的脚步探索Docker在实际项目中的应用和优化策略。
2018-04-04 上传
Docker-in-Action.pdf In 2011, I started working at In that first week my life was changed as I learned how to use their internal build, dependency modeling, and deployment tool- ing. This was the kind of automated management I had always known was possible but had never seen. I was coming from a team that would deploy quarterly and take 10 hours to do so. At Amazon I was watching rolling deployments push changes I had made earlier that day to hundreds of machines spread all over the globe. If big tech firms had an engineering advantage over the rest of the corporate landscape, this was it. Early in 2013, I wanted to work with Graphite (a metrics collection and graphing suite). One day I sat down to install the software and start integrating a personal proj- ect. At this point I had several years of experience working with open source applica- tions, but few were as dependent on such large swaths of the Python ecosystem. The installation instructions were long and murky. Over the next several hours, I discov- ered many undocumented installation steps. These were things that might have been more obvious to a person with deeper Python ecosystem knowledge. After pouring over several installation guides, reading through configuration files, and fighting an epic battle through the deepest parts of dependency hell, I threw in the towel. Those had been some of the least inspiring hours of my life. I wanted nothing to do with the project. To make matters worse, I had altered my environment in a way that was incompatible with other software that I use regularly. Reverting those changes took an embarrassingly long time. I distinctly remember sitting at my desk one day in May that year. I was between tasks when I decided to check Hacker News for new ways to grow my skillset. Articles about a technology called Docker had made the front page a few times that week. That evening I decided to check it out. I hit the site and had the software installed within a few minutes. I was running Ubuntu on my desktop at home, and Docker only had two dependencies: LXC and the Linux kernel itself. Licensed to Stephanie Bernal <> PREFACE xiv Like everyone else, I kicked the tires with a “Hello, World” example, but learned little. Next I fired up Memcached. It was downloaded and running in under a minute. Then I started WordPress, which came bundled with its own M y SQL server. I pulled a couple different Java images, and then Python images. Then my mind flashed back to that terrible day with Graphite. I popped over to the Docker Index (this was before Docker Hub) and did a quick search. The results came back, and there it was. Some random user had created a Graphite image. I pulled it down and created a new container. It was running. A simple but fully configured Graphite server was running on my machine. I had accomplished in less than a minute of download time what I had failed to do with several hours a few months earlier. Docker was able to demonstrate value with the simplest of examples and minimum effort. I was sold. Over the next week, I tried the patience of a close friend by struggling to direct our conversations toward Docker and containers. I explained how package management was nice, but enforcing file system isolation as a default solved several management problems. I rattled on about resource efficiency and provisioning latency. I repeated this conversation with several other colleagues and fumbled through the container story. Everyone had the same set of tired questions, “Oh, it’s like virtualization?” and “Why do I need this if I have virtual machines?” The more questions people asked, the more I wanted to know. Based on the popularity of the project, this is a story shared by many. I began including sessions about Docker when I spoke publicly. In 2013 and 2014, only a few people had heard of Docker, and even fewer had actually tried the software. For the most part, the crowds consisted of a few skeptical system administrator types and a substantial number of excited developers. People reacted in a multitude of ways. Some were pure rejectionists who clearly preferred the status quo. Others could see problems that they experienced daily solved in a matter of moments. Those peo- ple reacted with an excitement similar to mine. In the summer of 2014, an associate publisher with Manning called me to talk about Docker. After a bit more than an hour on the phone he asked me if there was enough content there for a book. I suggested that there was enough for a few books. He asked me if I was interested in writing it, and I became more excited than I had been for some time. That fall I left and started work on Docker in Action. Today, I'm sitting in front of the finished manuscript. My goal in writing this book was to create something that would help people of mixed backgrounds get up to speed on Docker as quickly as possible, but in such a way that they understand the underlying mechanisms. The hope is that with that knowledge, readers can under- stand how Docker has been applied to certain problems, and how they might apply it in their own use-cases.