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"Getting Started with TensorFlow" 是一本由Giancarlo Zaccone编写的关于机器学习的书籍,专注于介绍Google的数值计算库TensorFlow的使用。 本书旨在帮助读者快速上手TensorFlow,深入理解并处理数据。TensorFlow是谷歌开发的一个开源库,主要用于数值计算和机器学习任务,尤其在深度学习领域广泛应用。它提供了高级API来构建和训练复杂的神经网络模型,支持分布式计算,并能在多种硬件平台上运行,包括CPU和GPU。 Giancarlo Zaccone的这本书会引导读者逐步了解TensorFlow的基础知识,包括安装、环境配置、基本操作以及如何构建和执行计算图。计算图是TensorFlow的核心概念,它是描述计算过程的有向无环图(DAG),允许数据流在其中流动。 书中可能涵盖了以下知识点: 1. **基础概念**:如张量(Tensor)的概念,它是TensorFlow中的基本数据结构,可以表示任意维度的数据;变量(Variable)用于存储模型参数;会话(Session)用于执行计算图。 2. **数据预处理**:包括数据加载、清洗、标准化等步骤,这是训练模型前的重要准备工作。 3. **线性代数和优化**:讲解线性回归、逻辑回归等基本模型,以及梯度下降法、随机梯度下降(SGD)等优化算法。 4. **神经网络**:介绍多层感知机(MLP)、卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN)等,以及如何在TensorFlow中构建这些网络。 5. **损失函数和评估指标**:如均方误差(MSE)、交叉熵(Cross-Entropy)等损失函数,以及准确率(Accuracy)等评估模型性能的指标。 6. **正则化与防止过拟合**:L1和L2正则化,Dropout技术,以及早停策略等防止过拟合的方法。 7. **模型保存与恢复**:如何保存训练好的模型,以便后续使用或继续训练。 8. **TensorBoard**:TensorFlow的可视化工具,用于监控训练过程,展示损失曲线、激活图等。 9. **分布式训练**:如何利用多GPU或者分布式系统进行大规模数据训练。 10. **案例研究**:通过实际项目,如图像分类、文本生成等,来演示TensorFlow的应用。 尽管作者和出版商已尽力确保书中的信息准确性,但读者在使用本书时应理解,技术更新迅速,信息可能存在误差。因此,在实践中,建议读者结合官方文档和其他资源,持续学习和验证所学知识。 本书适合对机器学习有一定基础,希望通过TensorFlow实现深度学习模型的开发者阅读。通过学习,读者将能够运用TensorFlow解决实际问题,构建和训练自己的深度学习模型。
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Key Features, Get the first book on the market that shows you the key aspects TensorFlow, how it works, and how to use it for the second generation of machine learning, Want to perform faster and more accurate computations in the field of data science? This book will acquaint you with an all-new refreshing library—TensorFlow!, Dive into the next generation of numerical computing and get the most out of your data with this quick guide, Book Description, Google's TensorFlow engine, after much fanfare, has evolved in to a robust, user-friendly, and customizable, application-grade software library of machine learning (ML) code for numerical computation and neural networks., This book takes you through the practical software implementation of various machine learning techniques with TensorFlow. In the first few chapters, you'll gain familiarity with the framework and perform the mathematical operations required for data analysis. As you progress further, you'll learn to implement various machine learning techniques such as classification, clustering, neural networks, and deep learning through practical examples., By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience of using TensorFlow and building classification, image recognition systems, language processing, and information retrieving systems for your application., What you will learn, Install and adopt TensorFlow in your Python environment to solve mathematical problems, Get to know the basic machine and deep learning concepts, Train and test neural networks to fit your data model, Make predictions using regression algorithms, Analyze your data with a clustering procedure, Develop algorithms for clustering and data classification, Use GPU computing to analyze big data