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The design of two-pass crossflow heat exchangers involves various flow arrangements and corresponding ?-NTU relationships, as summarized by Baclic (1990). There are a total of 72 flow arrangements classified based on cross-counterflow or parallel-crossflow, mixed or unmixed within one or both passes, mixed between passes, and unmixed between passes with an identical or inverted order. The goal is to optimize the heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchanger by carefully selecting the flow arrangement and design parameters. In the provided PDF document "11双通道横流换热器设计案例(全代码)," there are detailed examples of Matlab code for two-pass crossflow heat exchangers. This code can be used as a reference for engineers and designers working on similar heat exchanger projects. By understanding the principles behind the design of two-pass crossflow heat exchangers and utilizing the provided code examples, engineers can improve the performance and efficiency of their heat exchanger systems. Overall, the design of two-pass crossflow heat exchangers is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors to achieve optimal heat transfer performance.
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