In combination with the >> redirection operator, has no effect on a pre-existing target file (: >>
target_file). If the file did not previously exist, creates it.
This applies to regular files, not pipes, symlinks, and certain special files.
May be used to begin a comment line, although this is not recommended. Using # for a comment
turns off error checking for the remainder of that line, so almost anything may appear in a comment.
However, this is not the case with :.
: This is a comment that generates an error, ( if [ $x -eq 3] ).
The ":" serves as a field separator, in /etc/passwd, and in the $PATH variable.
bash$ echo $PATH
A colon is acceptable as a function name.
echo "The name of this function is "$FUNCNAME" "
# Why use a colon as a function name?
# It's a way of obfuscating your code.
# The name of this function is :
This is not portable behavior, and therefore not a recommended practice. In fact, more recent releases
of Bash do not permit this usage. An underscore _ works, though.
A colon can serve as a placeholder in an otherwise empty function.
not_empty ()
} # Contains a : (null command), and so is not empty.
reverse (or negate) the sense of a test or exit status [bang]. The ! operator inverts the exit status of
the command to which it is applied (see Example 6-2). It also inverts the meaning of a test operator.
This can, for example, change the sense of equal ( = ) to not-equal ( != ). The ! operator is a Bash
In a different context, the ! also appears in indirect variable references.
In yet another context, from the command line, the ! invokes the Bash history mechanism (see
Appendix L). Note that within a script, the history mechanism is disabled.
wild card [asterisk]. The * character serves as a "wild card" for filename expansion in globbing. By
itself, it matches every filename in a given directory.
bash$ echo *
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Chapter 3. Special Characters 12