APL Photonics
FIG. 2. Summary of the general metrics for narrow linewidth lasers. Heteroge-
neously integrated lasers have the potential to match hybrid and external cavity
lasers in performance without an increase in size and cost.
external cavity lasers using semiconductor gain chips with long, low-
loss optical delays are used. These external cavities are comprised
of fibers or external crystalline whispering gallery resonators and
Fabry-Perot etalons.
More recently, integrated external cavities
using the aforementioned hybrid integration to assemble multiple
semiconductor chips have been used to further reduce the cost and
size of such lasers.
Here, the superior passive performance of sil-
icon or silicon nitride waveguides has a direct benefit in reducing the
noise of the laser. In this work, heterogeneously integrated lasers are
shown to provide much of the same benefits in terms of linewidth
reduction, while maintaining cost and footprint similar to mono-
lithic III-V semiconductor lasers. These relevant metrics are given
in Fig. 2, and a number of results are highlighted in Fig. 3. State of
the art heterogeneous silicon/III-V lasers, some of which will be pre-
sented in this tutorial, have exceeded the best of the monolithic III-V
lasers in some aspects, such as laser linewidth and tuning range.
The outline of this tutorial is as follows: In Sec. II, we provide
a formal definition of laser phase noise and spectral linewidth as
FIG. 3. Progress in Lorentzian linewidth of semiconductor lasers over the past
two decades. While monolithic lasers have not improved beyond 50 kHz or so,
hybrid and heterogeneous silicon lasers have pushed Lorentzian linewidths to
subkilohertz levels in recent years.
used in the context of this tutorial. We discuss techniques to accu-
rately characterize the linewidth of the laser. In Sec. III, we discuss
the fundamental techniques behind linewidth reduction in lasers.
We classify lasers as either solitary cavity lasers in which there is
only a single section or extended cavity lasers in which there is a
passive section longitudinally coupled to the gain section. We out-
line basic design methodology that can be used to achieve the nar-
row linewidth in each case. In Sec. IV, we provide some examples
of heterogeneous silicon/III-V lasers that have been optimized for
the narrow linewidth. We discuss distributed feedback (DFB) lasers,
narrowly tunable distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers, as well as
widely tunable ring resonator-based lasers. The design methodolo-
gies covered in Sec. III are applied to each type of laser, and results
are shown. Finally, we identify areas in which further improvements
are needed in Sec. V. We investigate techniques at the system level
such as laser stabilization, as well as exploratory concepts that can
improve the laser at the device level.
This section provides readers with a brief summary on some
technical terms and measurement methods commonly used to char-
acterize and benchmark the laser noise and spectral purity. In
Sec. II A, we discuss the link between frequency noise characteris-
tics of the laser to its spectral line shape and linewidth. In Sec. II B,
we discuss measurement methods for precise laser noise/linewidth
characterization. Within the scope of this paper, lasers are single
A. Basics of frequency noise and spectral line shape
Below the relaxation oscillation frequency, the frequency noise
spectrum of a free-running semiconductor diode laser typically fea-
tures two distinct frequency ranges with different characteristics.
At the lower frequency range, the noise spectrum is dominated by
various 1/f noises which decay with frequency following 1/f
α >0, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Other kinds of “technical noises” that
originate from sources external to the laser could also meddle in the
low frequency range. At higher frequencies where the 1/f noises and
other technical noise die out, the white noise caused by the random
processes of spontaneous emission and carrier fluctuations becomes
The laser optical field power spectral density, or laser “spec-
tral line shape,” can directly be found from the laser frequency noise
by integrating over the full range of Fourier frequency,
as given
in Eq. (1), where ν
is the laser’s center optical frequency, S
(ν) is
the optical power spectrum density (PSD) at optical frequency ν, E
is the amplitude of optical field (assumed to be constant as ampli-
tude noise is neglected), and S
(f ) is the frequency noise PSD at the
Fourier frequency f,
cos[2π(ν −ν
(f )
(πf τ)
df dτ. (1)
Although not analytically solvable in general cases, it has been shown
that the typical spectral shape of a laser is dominantly determined
APL Photon. 4, 111101 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124254 4, 111101-3
© Author(s) 2019