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"EvolvingTheJavaPlatform-OlaBini.pdf" 这篇文档是关于Java平台的演进和技术探讨,由Ola Bini,一位JRuby核心开发者和ThoughtWorks Studios的成员撰写。文档涵盖了多种编程语言在Java平台上的应用,以及Java虚拟机(JVM)的特性、新的语言功能和一个名为“达芬奇机器”的项目。此外,文档还讨论了Java与Ruby的关系,并预留了问答环节。 **其他语言** 文档提及了许多在Java平台上运行的语言,如Hecl、Jacl、Clojure、JavaScript的变体等。Clojure是一种基于Lisp的动态类型语言,强调代码即数据的理念,适合于Java平台。这些语言的存在展示了Java平台的多样性,允许开发者选择最适合他们需求的工具。 **Java虚拟机(JVM)** Java虚拟机是Java平台的核心部分,它使得不同语言可以在同一平台上运行。JVM通过解释和优化代码来实现跨平台兼容性和高性能。开发者可以利用JVM的优势,比如垃圾回收机制和丰富的类库,来构建高效的应用程序。 **新语言特性** 文档可能讨论了Java语言的新特性和改进,例如Java 8引入的lambda表达式、函数式编程支持和日期时间API的更新,这些都增强了Java的表达能力和灵活性。 **达芬奇机器** “达芬奇机器”可能是指一个研究项目,旨在探索和实现对Java平台的扩展,以支持更多语言特性或优化JVM的性能。这通常涉及对JVM的底层改进,以更好地适应现代编程范式和多语言环境。 **Java与Ruby** 文档指出Ola Bini是JRuby的开发者,JRuby是Ruby语言的一个实现,它在Java平台上运行。JRuby允许Ruby开发者利用Java的生态系统,同时享受Ruby的简洁语法和开发效率。 **问答环节** 最后,文档可能包含了对观众问题的回答,涵盖了与Java平台、JVM、其他语言集成以及相关技术的深入讨论。 这份文档为读者提供了一个全面的视角,展示了Java平台如何随着时间发展和接纳新的编程语言,以及这些变化如何影响开发者的工作流程和应用程序的构建。通过理解这些内容,开发者可以更好地利用Java平台的潜力,并了解如何在不断演变的技术环境中保持竞争力。


Exploring Java introduces the basics of Java, the hot new object-oriented programming language for networked applications from Sun Microsystems. Exploring Java enables programmers to quickly get up to speed writing Java applets, programs executed within web browsers. Even before the first release of Java, companies from Oracle to Netscape and Microsoft licensed Java to integrate with their Internet products. What makes this new language so important? It's truly portable. The same code runs on any machine that provides a Java interpreter, whether Windows 95, Windows NT, the Macintosh, or any flavor of UNIX. And, potentially, Java is designed to be as fast as programs written in C and C++. The ability to create animated World Wide Web pages has also sparked the rush to Java. But, the story does not end with the Web. Sophisticated large applications, such as spreadsheets or word processors, can also be written with Java. An early example is Sun's self-extensible web browser, HotJava. With a practical, hands-on approach characteristic of O'Reilly's Nutshell Handbooks®, Exploring Java shows you how to write dynamic web pages. But that's only the beginning. This book also shows you how to write content and protocol handlers, networking programs, and other standalone applications. Exploring Java is the first book in a new Java documentation series from O'Reilly that will keep pace with the rapid Java developments. In this book, you will learn about: History and principles of Java How to write simple applets How to integrate applets into the World Wide Web Java Class Libraries Using threads Using arrays Network programming Content and protocol handling Using the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) Writing a security manager
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