PPT格式 | 748KB |
| 155 浏览量 | 举报
"历玉鸣第四版化工仪表及自动化化工仪表及自动化第03章2022优秀文档.ppt" is a comprehensive presentation discussing the principles and applications of chemical instrumentation and automation. It covers various topics, including measurement instruments, sensors, and level detection methods.
The presentation begins by introducing the concept of level detection and the different types of level measurement instruments, such as point level detection and continuous level measurement. It discusses the importance of accurate level measurement in industrial processes and the various methods used to achieve this, including direct reading, differential pressure, buoyancy, electromagnetic, nuclear radiation, ultrasonic, and optical level measurement.
One of the key sections of the presentation focuses on the principles and applications of differential pressure level transmitters. It explains how these transmitters work by measuring the pressure difference between the liquid and gas phases in a vessel. The presentation also discusses the installation and calibration of differential pressure level transmitters, including issues such as zero point drift and zero point adjustment.
Overall, the presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications of chemical instrumentation and automation, with a specific focus on level measurement instruments and sensors. It offers valuable insights into the latest developments in the field and is a valuable resource for professionals and students in the chemical engineering and automation industries.

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