COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1994
Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization
of the Viewing Transformation
Philippe Lacroute
Computer Systems Laboratory
Stanford University
Marc Levoy
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Several existing volume rendering algorithms operate by factor-
ing the viewing transformation into a 3D shear parallel to the data
slices, a projection to form an intermediate but distorted image,
and a 2D warp to form an undistorted final image. We extend
this class of algorithms in three ways. First, we describe a new
object-order rendering algorithm based on the factorization that is
significantly faster than published algorithms with minimal loss
of image quality. Shear-warp factorizations have the property that
rows of voxels in the volume are aligned with rows of pixels in the
intermediate image. We use this fact to construct a scanline-based
algorithm that traverses the volume and the intermediate image in
synchrony, taking advantage of the spatial coherence present in
both. We use spatial data structures based on run-length encoding
for both the volume and the intermediate image. Our implemen-
tation running on an SGI Indigo workstation renders a 2563 voxel
medical data set in one second. Our second extension is a shear-
warp factorization for perspective viewing transformations, and
we show how our rendering algorithm can support this extension.
Third, we introduce a data structure for encoding spatial coherence
in unclassified volumes (i.e. scalar fields with no precomputed
opacity). When combined with our shear-warp rendering algo-
rithm this data structure allows us to classify and render a 2563
voxel volume in three seconds. The method extends to support
mixed volumes and geometry and is parallelizable.
CR Categories:
1.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional
Graphics and Realism; 1.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image
Generation--Display Algorithms.
Additional Keywords:
Volume rendering, Coherence, Scientific
visualization, Medical imaging.
1 Introduction
Volume rendering is a flexible technique for visualizing scalar
fields with widespread applicability in medical imaging and sci-
entific visualization, but its use has been limited because it is
Authors' Address: Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-4070
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computationally expensive. Interactive rendering rates have been
reported using large parallel processors [17] [19] and using algo-
rithms that trade off image quality for speed [10] [8], but high-
quality images take tens of seconds or minutes to generate on
current workstations. In this paper we present a new algorithm
which achieves near-interactive rendering rates on a workstation
without significantly sacrificing quality.
Many researchers have proposed methods that reduce render-
ing cost without affecting image quality by exploiting coherence
in the data set. These methods rely on spatial data structures that
encode the presence or absence of high-opacity voxels so that
computation can be omitted in transparent regions of the volume.
These data structures are built during a preprocessing step from a
volume: a volume to which an opacity transfer function
has been applied. Such spatial data structures include octrees and
pyramids [13] [12] [8] [3], k-d trees [18] and distance transforms
[23]. Although this type of optimization is data-dependent, re-
searchers have reported that in typical classified volumes 70-95%
of the voxels are transparent [12] [18].
Algorithms that use spatial data structures can be divided into
two categories according to the order in which the data structures
are traversed: image-order or object-order. Image-order algo-
rithms operate by casting rays from each image pixel and pro-
cessing the voxels along each ray [9]. This processing order has
the disadvantage that the spatial data structure must be traversed
once for every ray, resulting in redundant computation (e.g. mul-
tiple descents of an octree). In contrast, object-order algorithms
operate by splatting voxels into the image while streaming through
the volume data in storage order [20] [8]. However, this process-
ing order makes it difficult to implement early ray termination, an
effective optimization in ray-casting algorithms [12].
In this paper we describe a new algorithm which combines
the advantages of image-order and object-order algorithms. The
method is based on a factorization of the viewing matrix into a 3D
shear parallel to the slices of the volume data, a projection to form
a distorted intermediate image, and a 2D warp to produce the final
image. Shear-warp factorizations are not new. They have been
used to simplify data communication patterns in volume rendering
algorithms for SIMD parallel processors [1] [17] and to simplify
the generation of paths through a volume in a serial image-order
algorithm [22]. The advantage of shear-warp factorizations is that
scanlines of tlae volume data and scanlines of the intermediate im-
age are always aligned. In previous efforts this property has been
used to develop SIMD volume rendering algorithms. We exploit
the property for a different reason: it allows efficient, synchro-
nized access to data structures that separately encode coherence
in the volume and the image.
The factorization also makes efficient, high-quality resampling
possible in an object-order algorithm. In our algorithm the re-
© 1994 ACM-0-89791-667-0/94/007/0451 $01,50 451