
需积分: 1 17 下载量 91 浏览量 更新于2024-07-19 收藏 7.7MB PDF 举报
"AWS管理大全深入解析,涵盖了AWS的基础概念、安全与访问管理、镜像与实例、安全性、存储和网络、AWS VPC虚拟私有云、监控、弹性扩展、负载均衡、数据库以及简单存储等多个关键领域,旨在帮助读者掌握在亚马逊Web服务(Amazon Web Services, AWS)平台上设计、构建和管理基础设施的专业知识。" 本文档,"AWS Administration – The Definitive Guide",由Yohan Wadia撰写,是学习AWS全面知识的重要资源。书中详细讲解了AWS的核心概念,包括其云服务模型,如何利用这些服务构建可扩展且可靠的IT基础架构。首先,介绍AWS的基本概念,帮助读者理解云服务的运作方式以及AWS在市场中的地位。 在安全与访问管理部分,书中会探讨AWS的身份与访问管理(IAM)、安全组和网络 ACLs,这些都是确保数据安全的关键要素。同时,还将讨论如何创建和管理用户、权限和策略,以实现安全的云环境。 接下来,作者会阐述如何创建和管理EC2实例,这是AWS中的计算服务,以及如何利用AMI(Amazon Machine Images)来快速部署预配置的系统。这部分还可能涵盖自动扩展(Auto Scaling)和生命周期管理,以确保应用能够根据需求自动调整规模。 在存储和网络部分,读者将学习S3(Simple Storage Service)和EBS(Elastic Block Store)等存储解决方案的用法,以及VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)如何提供安全的私有网络环境。VPC章节会讲解路由表、子网和NAT网关等关键概念。 监控是任何云策略不可或缺的部分,书中会涉及CloudWatch工具,用于实时监控和警报设置,以确保服务性能和可用性。此外,还会涉及负载均衡(ELB)技术,用于在多台实例间分配流量,提高应用的高可用性和容错性。 数据库服务如RDS(Relational Database Service)和DynamoDB也会被讨论,它们提供了多种数据库选项,包括关系型和非关系型数据库,以适应不同应用场景。最后,简单存储(S3)作为AWS的主要对象存储服务,其使用和管理方法也将被详细介绍。 这本书是AWS管理员和对云技术感兴趣的个人的宝贵参考资料,它不仅提供了理论知识,还包含大量实践案例和最佳实践,有助于读者在AWS环境中实现高效且安全的基础设施管理。
187 浏览量
Early Release Building and deploying infrastructure with Amazon Web Services is simply not the same as dealing with static servers. With tools that let you automatically replace instances and scale up and down in response to demand, it’s actually more like programming than traditional system administration—and ideal for a DevOps environment. This comprehensive guide shows developers and system administrators alike how to configure and manage AWS services, such as CloudFormation, OpsWorks, Elastic Load Balancing, and Route 53. System administrators will learn how to integrate their favorite tools and processes, while developers will pick up enough system administration knowledge to build a robust and resilient AWS application infrastructure. Launch instances with EC2 or CloudFormation Apply AWS security tools at the beginning of your project Learn configuration management with OpsWorks and Puppet Deploy applications with Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing Explore methods to deploy application and infrastructure updates Reuse resources to save time on development and operations Learn strategies for managing log files in AWS Configure a cloud-aware DNS service with Route 53 Use CloudWatch or traditional tools to monitor your application Table of Contents Chapter 1. Setting Up AWS Tools Chapter 2. First Steps with EC2 and CloudFormation Chapter 3. Access Management and Security Groups Chapter 4. Configuration Management Chapter . An Example Application Stack Chapter 6. Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing Chapter 7. Deployment Strategies Chapter 8. Building Reusable Components Chapter 9. Log Management Chapter 10. DNS with Route 53 Chapter 11. Monitoring Chapter 12. Backups
165 浏览量
AWS System Administration, 1st Edition English | 2017 | ISBN: N/A | 479 pages | PDF (conv) | 7.55 Mb With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author's raw and unedited content as he or she writes—so you can take advantage of these technologies long before the official release of these titles. You'll also receive updates when significant changes are made, new chapters as they're written, and the final ebook bundle. After getting over the excitement of the scaling and cost-saving possibilities offered by Amazon Web Services, system administrators quickly come up against complexities and gotchas in the management of systems. How can they make sure auto-scaling kicks in when it is suppose to? How do they make sure DNS sends traffic to the right systems? How do they integrate automated management tools such as Chef and Puppet? This book is a comprehensive guide to the administrative features of AWS and how to make the most of them to minimize your administrative work. You’ll learn how to configure and manage powerful AWS tools, such as CloudFormation, OpsWorks, Elastic Load Balancing, and Route 53. AWS administration is no easier than stand-alone server administration—it's just different, and very rewarding once you set up your automation right. This book shows you how. Topics include: CloudFormation Access Management and Security Groups Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing Opworks Building Reusable Components Log Management DNS with Route53 Monitoring Backups