NIST SP800-70 Rev2:IT产品检查清单程序指南

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"NIST SP800-70-rev2.pdf" 是一份由美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的文档,旨在指导IT产品清单的使用者和开发者如何利用NIST国家清单程序(NCP)。该文档涵盖了清单的使用、好处以及管理,并详述了参与NCP的政策、程序和一般要求。 文档结构如下: 1.2 文档组织: - 第2部分介绍了清单的基本概念,阐述了NIST NCP的优势及其运作方式。它强调了清单在安全实践中的作用和价值。 - 第3部分深入探讨了预定义的清单操作环境,这些环境用于帮助开发者创建与安全实践相一致的清单。同时,它也为清单用户提供了选择适合自己操作环境的清单的指导。 - 第4部分面向潜在的清单用户,解释了如何通过NCP找到并检索最符合需求的清单。这部分还包含了实施清单的指南,包括如何分析特定的操作环境以及如何根据需要调整清单。 - 第5部分是针对当前和潜在的清单开发者的指南,详细说明了准备和提交清单到NIST以纳入清单库的过程和步骤。 此外,附录提供了额外的信息: - 附录A列出了文档的参考文献。 - 附录B列出了参与NCP所需的程序性和法律要求。 - 附录C包含NCP参与和标志使用协议表格。 - 附录D详细说明了美国政府配置基线(USGCB)清单必须满足的附加要求。 - 附录E列出了文档中使用的缩写词。 - 附录F提供了一个术语表。 - 附录G给出了文档最新版本的变更日志。 NIST SP800系列标准是美国政府对IT安全控制的推荐指南,本文件SP800-70-rev2特别关注清单的使用和开发,对于确保IT产品的安全配置和合规性具有重要意义。通过遵循这些指南,组织和个人能够更有效地管理和评估其IT系统的安全状态。
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This document describes the use, benefits, and management of checklists, and explains how to use the NIST National Checklist Program (NCP) to find and retrieve checklists. The document also describes the policies, procedures, and general requirements for participation in the NCP. 1.2 Document Organization Section 2 contains an overview of checklists and describes the advantages of the NIST NCP and how it works. Section 3 provides additional details on pre-defined checklist operational environments that are used in the NCP to help developers create checklists that are consistent with security practices. The material presented in Section 3 can also help checklist users select the checklists that best match their own operational environments. Section 4 contains information for potential checklist users. It describes how to use the NCP to find and retrieve checklists that best match the identified needs. It also contains guidance on how to implement checklists, including how to analyze the specific operating environment and then tailor checklists as applicable. Section 5 provides guidance for current and prospective checklist developers. This guidance contains information on the procedures for preparing and submitting a checklist to NIST for inclusion in the checklist repository. Appendix A lists references for this document. Appendix B contains the programmatic and legal requirements that must be satisfied to participate in the NCP. Appendix C contains the NCP participation and logo usage agreement form. Appendix D details additional requirements that United States Government Configuration Baseline (USGCB) checklists must meet. Appendix E contains a list of acronyms used in this document. Appendix F presents a glossary of the terms used in this document. Appendix G provides the change log for the most recent release of the document.