"2022春哈工大深圳 面向对象软件构造实验三:JUnit和单元测试"

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本实验旨在让学生了解单元测试的定义及其在软件构造过程中的重要性,同时掌握使用JUnit5进行单元测试的方法。此外,实验也旨在让学生理解编码规范对软件开发的重要性,并熟悉代码规范插件的使用方法。在实验环境方面,学生将使用哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)提供的相关软件构造环境进行实验。实验内容包括两个学时,学生将在此期间完成相关的实验步骤。通过本次实验,学生将进一步提高他们的软件构造能力,为将来的软件开发工作打下坚实的基础。 Overall, the experiment aims to familiarize students with the definition and importance of unit testing, as well as the use of JUnit5 for unit testing. Additionally, students will also understand the importance of coding standards and become familiar with the use of code standard plugins. The experiment will be conducted in the software construction environment provided by Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). The experiment consists of two study hours, during which students will complete the related experimental steps. Through this experiment, students will further improve their software construction capabilities and lay a solid foundation for future software development work.