"Windows Win32 API英文版:WinAPI接口详解及使用方法"
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The Windows Win32 API, also known as WinAPI, is a set of functions and interfaces provided by Microsoft for developers to create applications that run on the Windows operating system. The API covers a wide range of functionalities, from user interface to networking and system programming.
One key component of the Win32 API is the FunctionDiscovery API, which allows developers to discover and interact with different devices and technologies on the system. The FunctionDiscovery API provides a set of interfaces and methods that enable applications to query, enumerate, and manage instances of various devices and technologies.
The FunctionDiscovery API includes the IFunctionDiscovery interface, which serves as the main entry point for interacting with the API. Developers can use methods such as AddInstance, CreateInstanceCollectionQuery, CreateInstanceQuery, GetInstance, GetInstanceCollection, and RemoveInstance to discover and manipulate instances of devices and technologies.
In addition to the IFunctionDiscovery interface, the FunctionDiscovery API also includes the IFunctionDiscoveryNotification interface, which allows applications to receive notifications about changes or errors in the discovered instances. The OnError method in the IFunctionDiscoveryNotification interface can be used to handle any errors that occur during the discovery process.
Overall, the FunctionDiscovery API in the Windows Win32 API provides developers with a powerful tool for discovering and managing devices and technologies on the Windows operating system. By utilizing the API's interfaces and methods, developers can create robust and efficient applications that interact with a wide range of devices and technologies.
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