High-speed 3D imaging based on structured illumination
and electrically tunable lens
Dongping Wang (王东平)
, Yunlong Meng (孟云龙)
, Dihan Chen (陈頔瀚)
Yeung Yam (任 揚)
**, and Shih-Chi Chen (陳世祈)
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
Hong Kong SAR, China
Shenzhen Research Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518057, China
*Corresponding author: scchen@mae.cuhk.edu.hk; **corresponding author: yyam@mae.cuhk.edu.hk
Received April 18, 2017; accepted June 16, 2017; posted online July 19, 2017
In this Letter, we present a high-speed volumetric imaging system based on structured illumination and an
electrically tunable lens (ETL), where the ETL performs fast axial scanning at hundreds of Hz. In the system,
a digital micro-mirror device (DMD) is utilized to rapidly generate structured images at the focal plane in syn-
chronization with the axial scanning unit. The scanning characteristics of the ETL are investigated theoretically
and experimentally. Imaging experiments on pollen samples are performed to verify the optical cross-sectioning
and fast axial scanning capabilities. The results show that our system can perform fast axial scanning and three-
dimensional (3D) imaging when paired with a high-speed camera, presenting an economic solution for advanced
biological imaging applications.
OCIS codes: 180.6900, 180.2520, 220.1080.
doi: 10.3788/COL201715.090004.
In microscopy, optical cross-sectioning means the extrac-
tion of in-focus signals in the form of thin slides by the
rejection of the out-of-focus signals or noises within a
thick specimen
. Conventionally, this can be achieved
by multi-photon microscopy
, confocal microscopy
or structured illumination microscopy (SIM)
. However,
multi-photon microscopy suffers from the high cost of
laser sources; confocal microscopy has the issue of high
phototoxicity. As point-scanning systems are typically
slow compared with wide-field systems, SIM becomes a
suitable and economic solution for a variety of high-speed
biological imaging applications.
In SIM, three modulated images are obtained sequen-
tially with a phase interval of 2π∕3 to reconstruct an optical
cross-sectional image. Optical cross-sections are realized by
the fact that high-frequency patterns attenuate rapidly
when away from the focal region, and only the in-focus
signals are modulated by the structured pattern. The im-
aging speed of SIM is limited by the speed of switching of
structured patterns, which is conventionally achieved by
mechanically scanning an optical grating
also results in motion/image artifacts and low optical sec-
tioning efficiency
. More accurate phase shifts can be
achieved by using a liquid-crystal-based spatial light modu-
lator (LC-SLM) that has a speed of hundreds of Hz
However, the LC-SLM is polarization-dependent and only
modulates phases, which confines its application to a single
excitation wavelength
. Compared with LC-SLMs, a dig-
ital micro-mirror device (DMD) is a cost-effective solution
with substantially improved speed (4.2–32.5 kHz) and a
broader spectral range
Although the DMD-based SIM can rapidly generate
two-dimensional (2D) optical cross-sections, a fast axial
scanning method is still needed in order to realize
high-speed volumetric imaging. Conventionally, volume
imaging is achieved by axially scanning the specimen or
objective lens to acquire images at different depths. How-
ever, the mechanical scanning process is slow and may
introduce unwanted vibration and motion artifacts. These
issues may be addressed by the application of an electri-
cally tunable lens (ETL). An ETL is a transparent device
whose optical power can be rapidly tuned by adjusting the
drive current. Fast axial scanning has been successfully
demonstrated in other optical systems by using ETLs with
a speed of ∼1 kHz
In this Letter, we present a real-time three-dimensional
(3D) fluorescent microscope system based on structured
illumination and an ETL. In the system, a DMD is used
to rapidly generate structured images, achieving high-
speed 2D imaging. The ETL is used to perform fast axial
scanning, realizing high-speed volumetric imaging. The
speed of 3D imaging is only limited by the speed of cam-
eras, i.e., tens of kHz. Figure
1 presents the optical con-
figuration of the system. The light source is a light
emitting diode (LED) (wavelength ¼ 455 nm; M455L3,
Thorlabs), which provides incoherent illumination free
of speckles. Next, the light is collimated by a lens, L1
(f ¼ 30 mm), and projected to the DMD (DLP4500,
Texas Instruments). The DMD-modulated light is guided
by a high-reflectivity mirror, M, and a collimating lens, L2
(f ¼ 100 mm), to enter and fully fill the back aperture of
the objective lens (Apo 40 × 1.15 NA, Nikon). Note that
the system is aligned to satisfy Köhler illumination that
has a uniform illumination at the front focal plane of
the objective lens. The collimating lens, L2, and the
objective lens together form a 4-f system that ensures
COL 15(9), 090004(2017) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS September 10, 2017
1671-7694/2017/090004(4) 090004-1 © 2017 Chinese Optics Letters