
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 63 浏览量 更新于2024-04-07 1 收藏 669KB DOCX 举报
The design of a digital thermometer based on FPGA provides a solution that addresses the shortcomings of traditional digital thermometers. Utilizing EDA technology, the design process adopts a top-down approach to create specific logic circuits. The design is implemented using VHDL language in the Quartus II 9.0sp2 software and involves the ALTRA company's Cyclone II series EP2C8Q208 chip for computer simulation. The resulting simulation demonstrates the functionality of the circuit in accurately measuring temperature. Key words include digital thermometer, EDA, FPGA, VHDL, Quartus II 9.0sp2, and EP2C8Q208. Through rigorous debugging and validation on hardware, this digital thermometer design showcases the capabilities of FPGA technology in creating efficient and reliable temperature-measuring systems.