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The ADI-MAX706R is a low voltage reset chip that is designed to monitor and control 3V power supply levels in 3V to 5V microprocessor (µP) systems. This chip greatly reduces the complexity and number of components required for monitoring and managing power supply levels, improving overall system reliability and accuracy compared to using separate ICs or discrete components.
The MAX706R offers several key functions, including a reset output during power-up, power-down, and brownout events. This ensures that the µP remains in a safe and stable state during these critical power transitions. Additionally, the MAX706R provides a manual reset input, allowing for external control of the reset function. The chip also features a watchdog timer function, which helps to monitor the activity of the µP and initiate a reset if it becomes unresponsive, preventing system lock-up.
Furthermore, the MAX706R includes a low supply current of only 7µA and operates over a wide temperature range, making it suitable for a variety of applications. It is available in a small SOT23 package, saving valuable board space and making it well-suited for compact designs.
In summary, the ADI-MAX706R is a highly reliable, versatile, and efficient low voltage reset chip that simplifies power supply monitoring and management in µP systems. Its integrated functions, low power consumption, and compact form factor make it an ideal choice for enhancing the reliability and accuracy of a wide range of electronic devices and systems.
2023-07-22 上传
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