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"在Address类中加上user属性-Hibernate实体关系映射" 在Java开发中,尤其是在使用ORM框架如Hibernate时,实体类的设计是至关重要的。本文将深入探讨如何在Address类中添加一个user属性,以及这与Hibernate实体关系映射的关联。 在给出的代码片段中,我们看到一个Address类,它包含三个属性:id(标识符)、address(地址)以及user(用户)。这里的`User`对象代表与Address相关联的用户。在现实世界的业务场景中,一个用户可能有多个地址,这种关系通常被表示为一对多(One-to-Many)的关系。在Hibernate中,这种关系可以通过注解来配置,以便数据库操作可以正确地映射到对象模型上。 首先,我们需要导入相关的Hibernate库,这通常包括`org.hibernate.annotations`和`javax.persistence`包。然后,为了建立User与Address之间的关联,我们可以使用`@ManyToOne`注解在Address类的user属性上,同时在User类中使用`@OneToMany`注解来表示其拥有的多个Address。例如: ```java import javax.persistence.*; import org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade; @Entity public class Address { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int id; private String address; @ManyToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinColumn(name = "user_id") private User user; // 省略get与 set 方法 } @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int id; // 其他User属性 @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user", cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}) private List<Address> addresses; // 省略get与 set 方法 } ``` 在这个例子中,`@ManyToOne`注解表明Address类中的user属性是一个多对一的关系,而`@JoinColumn`指定了外键字段(user_id)所在的列。在User类中,`@OneToMany`注解表示一个User可以拥有多个Address,`mappedBy`属性指明了关联的反向属性,即Address类的user属性。 为了确保集合(如User类中的addresses列表)在比较时能正确处理,还需要在Address和User类中实现`equals()`和`hashCode()`方法。这两个方法通常基于业务逻辑的关键属性(如ID)来重写,以确保当两个对象具有相同的业务标识时,它们被视为相等。例如: ```java @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Address address = (Address) obj; return id == address.id && Objects.equals(address, address.getAddress()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(id, address); } ``` 同样,User类也需要实现这两个方法,但根据User类的属性进行调整。 通过在Address类中添加user属性,并结合Hibernate的注解,我们可以有效地实现对象关系映射,允许在数据库操作中透明地管理User和Address之间的关联。同时,重写`equals()`和`hashCode()`方法对于集合操作的正确性至关重要,尤其是在进行集合操作如添加、删除和查找时。

使用映射算法将 ER 架构映射到关系数据库架构。使用以下表示法表示生成的关系数据库架构:PK 表示主键,AK 表示备用键,FK 表示外键,并带有指向相应表(主键)的箭头 Book Entity (Strong) - Title (single valued, simple string) - ISBN (single valued, simple alphanumeric string), pk - Edition (single valued, simple numeric) - Date of Publication (single valued, composite concatenation of characters and numbers) - Price (single valued, simple floating point number) - Book Description (single valued, simple string) Author Entity (Strong) - Author Name - Author_id, pk Publisher Entity (Strong) - Publisher id (single value, simple numeric), pk - Publisher Name (single valued, simple string) - Address (single valued, simple string) - together the publisher name and address could make an alternate key because no to publishers can have the same name and address Customer Entity (strong) - Customer_id (single valued, simple string), pk - Name (composite one value for first, middle and last name, simple string) - Mailing Address (single valued, simple string) - Credit Card Number and Expiration Date (single value, simple numeric sequence), alternate key - Phone Number (single value, simple alphanumeric string) - Email Address (single valued, simple alphanumeric string) Shipment (strong) - Date of Shipment ( single valued, composite of strings and numbers) - Tracking Number (single valued, simple alphanumeric string), pk - Date of Expected Delivery ( single valued, compoite of strings and numbers) Order (Strong) - Order Number (single valued, simple number), pk - Mailing Address (single value, simple string) - Method of Shipment (single value, simple string) - Date and Time of Order (when the order was placed) - Total Price of the Order (multivalue, composite) Promotion (strong entity type ) - Promotion id number, pk - Percentage Discount Points (single value, simple float) - Duration of Promotion (start date and end date) ( composite attributes like the dates above) Line Item(weak entity type) - Total price for each book that is ordered (single value, two place precision float) - Quantity of each item ordered Category (strong entity) - Category ID (single value, simple numeric), pk - Category Name (single value, simple string),

2023-06-11 上传