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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSC.2016.2539945, IEEE
Transactions on Services Computing
2.1 Scope of Studied Software Changes
In this paper, we focus on two types of software changes on servers
in large Web-based services, software upgrades and configuration
changes, for the following three reasons. (1) The operations
team typically care about the unexpected consequences that are
potentially due to these planned changes; (2) These changes are
controllable by the operations team via command line interfaces
and observable in logs; (3) We have observed that these two types
constitute more than 90% of the tens of thousands of software
changes in our data.
Software Upgrades. With the current rapid evolution of
the Internet, new features are continuously being deployed with
software upgrades. The operations team also conducts software
upgrades to fix bugs or improve service performance. In a large
service, it is often the case that one software upgrade implements
multiple features or bug fixes, and FUNNEL considers such a
software upgrade as a whole. FUNNEL decides whether the
whole software upgrade introduces any KPI change but does
not attempt to distinguish which individual feature or bug fix
introduces KPI changes. In addition, the web services in our
scenario usually trigger a software upgrade when operators try
to patch the software, and thus we classify the patches as software
Configuration Changes. Using command line interfaces, the
operations team can change the configurations by using specific
commands. The configuration change can be in the operating sys-
tem (OS) or infrastructure software (e.g., a configuration change
in Apache), service configuration (e.g., an increase in the number
of threads in a service process by command lines), deployment
scale (e.g., an increase in the number of servers where a service
is deployed), or data source (e.g., an update to the strategy that
calculates the valid page view counts).
With above focuses, the following perspectives are out of
scope for this paper.
1) We do not consider the software changes on the network
devices such as routers and switches, which have been
already studied in depth in [6], [7], [14];
2) We do not consider software changes that were external
to the company, e.g., a change in a peer company, since
these changes might be invisible to the studied company’s
operations team.
3) We do not explicitly consider the interactions across
multiple concurrent or consecutive software changes on
a same server, which can be considered as one combined
change as a straw man approach.
More detailed studies along the last three directions are left as
future work.
2.2 KPI
In the studied Web-based services, there are hundreds of thousands
of servers providing various types of services. Each service (e.g.,
search, web mail, social networking) runs on one or more servers
with a specific process on each server. An instance denotes a
process of a specific service on a specific server. A KPI is a
performance metric of a given server/service/process. There are
three types of KPIs that need to be monitored for software changes
assessment: server KPIs, instance KPIs and service KPIs. The
operations team deploys an agent on each server to monitor the
status of each instance and collect the KPIs of all instances
Search engine service
Server 1 Server 2 Server n
Instance 1 Instance n
Instance 2
PVC = Page view count
PVRD = Page view response delay
ACF = Access failure count
Fig. 1. The relationship among service, server, instance and KPI
continuously. For example, immediately after the process serves
a customer with some Web page view, the page view count is
incremented and a new page view response delay is recorded.
In addition, by analyzing server log files that record the system
status, the agent is able to periodically collect server KPIs, such
as CPU utilization, memory utilization, and NIC throughput. A
service KPI is an aggregation of all instance KPIs in the service.
Fig. 1 shows an example of the relationship among service (search
engine service), server (server 1, server 2, ..., server n), instance
(instance 1, instance 2, ..., instance n) and KPI (page view count,
page view response delay, access failure count, CPU utilization,
memory utilization, and NIC throughput).
After collecting the measurements of KPIs of servers and
instances, the agent on each server delivers the measurements
via datacenter networks to a centralized Hadoop-based database,
which also stores the service KPIs aggregated based on the KPIs
of the instances. The database also provides a subscription tool for
other systems, such as FUNNEL, to periodically receive the sub-
scribed measurements based on the server, instance, and service.
The data collection interval at the servers is typically 1 minute,
and thus the time granularity of the input KPI measurements
of FUNNEL is 1 minute. If we set the time granularity of the
KPI measurements larger, the detection delay of FUNNEL will
be larger. Although the accuracy of FUNNEL may be impacted
by the time granularity of the measurements [18], the accuracy
of FUNNEL is relatively good (see Section 4.2) with the time
granularity of 1 minute, we set the time granularity of the KPI
measurements as 1 minute. Within one second, the measurements
subscribed by FUNNEL are pushed to FUNNEL via datacenter
In large services, there might exist some KPIs of dubious
quality. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work on
eliminating low-quality KPIs in Web-based services. In this paper,
we do not focus on eliminating low-quality KPIs either. FUNNEL
detects all KPI changes in the impact set regardless of the quality
of the KPI, and delivers the results to the operations team. The
operations team will then determine whether the performance
changes in the low-quality KPIs are induced by the software
change or not.
As described in [19], even the operations team does not know
exactly what is a “good” threshold for a specific KPI, e.g., due to
seasonal variation. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain the expected
values from the operations team for FUNNEL, and we do not give
a threshold for any KPI in this paper.