Integrated Development Environment (IDE), or smart editor. The advantages are that you will be able to
launch PC-lint with a minimum number of keystrokes to process your current file or your current project.
Upon completion, moreover, you will be able, in most cases, to quickly and automatically sequence from
error to error (actually message to message) with hopefully a single keystroke and with your own editor
appropriately positioned in the file that needs attention.
We, of course, could have provided our own environment but we felt you probably would prefer to con-
tinue using your existing environment with your favorite editor. Hence, we have focused our attention on
facilities to bring that about. In particular, our message formatting is extremely flexible (See Section 5.6
Message Presentation Options.). Message redirection is available not only via the standard redirection
character (
>) on the command line but may also be embedded as an option (see -os(
) in Section 5.7
Other Options). The banner line can be controlled (see -b in Section 5.7 Other Options) and it can be
arranged so that at least one message is always produced (using option
+e900) which is necessary for some
environments. In addition, indirect files (
.lnt files) can themselves contain indirect files. The file name
extension, by which an indirect file is known as such, can be something other than
.lnt (See +ext in Sec-
tion 5.7 Other Options). Indirect files can contain embedded environment variable names (Section 4.1
Indirect (.lnt) Files.
We have added a number of files of the form
env-....lnt that assist in the process of integration with par-
ticular IDE's. At this writing this list includes:
File Environment
env-BC5.lnt Borland's 5.0 IDE
env-bwin.lnt Borland's 4.0 IDE under Windows
env-cw.lnt Premia Codewright
env-pwb.lnt Microsoft's Programmer's Work Bench
env-si.lnt Source Insight Editor
env-sled.lnt Visual Slick Edit
env-tide.lnt Turbo/Borland IDE under DOS
env-vc.lnt Microsoft's Visual C/C++, Version 1
env-vc2.lnt Microsoft's Visual C/C++, Version 2
env-vc4.lnt Microsoft's Visual C/C++, Version 4
env-vc5.lnt Microsoft's Visual C/C++, Version 5
These files are updated as needed. See our web site (under Version 8.00 patches) for the most current.
Instructions for using these
.lnt files appear as comments within the files themselves. Simply print them
out and follow the directions.
3.6 .dsp processing
If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, then an abstract of each project is retained in a file whose exten-
sion is
.dsp. This file is in ASCII and can be viewed with your editor. The file contains module names,
defines of pre-processor variables, and include paths. PC-lint/FlexeLint is able to process such files,
extract such information as would be related to linting, transform the information to lint directives and out-