RemainingCapacity( ) (RM)
RM represents the remaining capacity in the battery. The bq2085−V1P3 computes RM in units of either mAh
or 10 mWh depending on the selected mode. See Battery Mode( ) (0x03) for units configuration.
RM counts up during charge to a maximum value of FCC and down during discharge and self-discharge to a
minimum of 0. In addition to charge and self-discharge compensation, the bq2085−V1P3 calibrates RM at three
low-battery-voltage thresholds, EDV2, EDV1, and EDV0 and three programmable midrange thresholds
VOC25, VOC50, and VOC75. This provides a voltage-based calibration to the RM counter.
DesignCapacity( ) (DC)
DC is the user-specified battery full capacity. It is calculated from Pack Capacity DF 0x31-0x32 and is
represented in units of mAh or 10 mWh. It also represents the full-battery reference for the absolute display
FullChargeCapacity( ) (FCC)
FCC is the last measured discharge capacity of the battery. It is represented in units of either mAh or 10 mWh,
depending on the selected mode. On initialization, the bq2085−V1P3 sets FCC to the value stored in Last
Measured Discharge DF 0x35-0x36. During subsequent discharges, the bq2085−V1P3 updates FCC with the
last measured discharge capacity of the battery. The last measured discharge of the battery is based on the
value in the DCR register after a qualified discharge occurs. Once updated, the bq2085−V1P3 writes the new
FCC value to data flash in mAh to Last Measured Discharge. FCC represents the full battery reference for the
relative display mode and relative state of charge calculations.
Discharge Count Register (DCR)
The DCR register counts up during discharge, independent of RM. DCR counts discharge activity, battery load
estimation, and self-discharge increment. The bq2085−V1P3 initializes DCR, at the beginning of a discharge,
to FCC − RM when RM is within the programmed value in Near Full DF 0x2f. The DCR initial value of FCC −
RM is reduced by FCC/128 if SC = 1 (bit 5 in Gauge Configuration) and is not reduced if SC = 0. DCR stops
counting when the battery voltage reaches the EDV2 threshold on discharge.
Capacity Learning (FCC Update) and Qualified Discharge
The bq2085−V1P3 updates FCC with an amount based on the value in DCR if a qualified discharge occurs.
The new value for FCC equals the DCR value plus the programmable nearly full and low battery levels,
according to the following equation:
FCC (new) + DCR (final) + DCR (initial) ) Measured Discharge to EDV2 ) (FCC Battery Low%)
Battery Low % = (value stored in DF 0x2e) ÷ 2.56
A qualified discharge occurs if the battery discharges from RM ≥ FCC − Near Full to the EDV2 voltage threshold
with the following conditions:
D No valid charge activity occurs during the discharge period. A valid charge is defined as a charge of 10 mAh into
the battery.
D No more than 256 mAh of self-discharge or battery load estimation occurs during the discharge period.
D The temperature does not drop below the low temperature thresholds programmed in Learning Low Temp DF
0x9b during the discharge period.
D The battery voltage reaches the EDV2 threshold during the discharge period and the voltage is greater than or
equal to the EDV2 threshold minus 256 mV when the bq2085−V1P3 detected EDV2.
D No midrange voltage correction occurs during the discharge period.
D Current remains ≥ 3C/32 when EDV2 or Battery Low % level is reached.
D No overload condition exists when EDV2 threshold is reached or if RM( ) has dropped to Battery Low%
The bq2085−V1P3 sets VDQ=1 in pack status when qualified discharge begins. The bq2085−V1P3 sets
VDQ=0 if any disqualifying condition occurs. FCC cannot be reduced by more than 256 mAh or increased by
more than 512 mAh during any single update cycle. The bq2085−V1P3 saves the new FCC value to the data
flash within 4 seconds of being updated.