"计算机网络第6版:第5章 链路层课件总结"

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The provided content is a set of PowerPoint slides from Chapter 5 of the 6th edition of the "Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach" textbook by Jim Kurose and Keith Ross. The slides cover the topic of the Link Layer in computer networks. The authors have made these slides freely available for use by faculty, students, and readers, and they are in a PowerPoint format to allow for animations and customization. Users are allowed to add, modify, and delete slides to fit their specific needs. The Link Layer is an important concept in computer networking, as it is responsible for the node-to-node delivery of packets. It encompasses the physical and data link layers of the OSI model and is essential for the correct and efficient transmission of data over a network. The slides likely provide an in-depth understanding of the Link Layer, including its protocols, implementations, and best practices. In summary, the provided slides offer valuable educational resources for anyone studying or teaching computer networking. They cover the fundamental concepts of the Link Layer and are designed to be flexible for customization to specific educational needs. Overall, they are a useful and generous contribution to the field of computer networking education.