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资源摘要信息:"words from home" 标题“words from home”和描述“words from home”虽然看似简单,但并未提供具体的知识点。而文件名称列表中提供了多个与英语词汇学习和记忆相关的资源,这些资源均旨在帮助用户提升英语词汇量和词汇应用能力。 1. Merriam-Webster词典资源:Merriam-Webster是美国著名的词典出版社,其出版的Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder是针对希望扩展词汇的读者设计的。该资源可能包含大量的单词列表、单词的定义、用法示例和同义词等,有助于用户通过学习掌握更丰富的词汇。 2. 分情景看图记超强实用单词22000:该资源可能是通过不同的生活场景或情景图片,帮助用户记忆22000个实用英语单词。通过图片记忆,可以增强记忆的直观性和持久性,提升学习效率。 3. 字根字典:掌握字根(root)是英语词汇学习的重要方法之一。字根字典能够帮助学习者通过字根理解单词的构成和含义,从而更加高效地记忆和拓展词汇。 4. 167英语词汇速记大全系列:该系列资源是由俞敏洪编写,包含了不同记忆法,如词根-词缀记忆法、同类记忆法、词形记忆法和语境记忆法。这些方法针对不同类型的学习者,有助于学习者根据自己的记忆习惯选择合适的学习策略。 5. Charles Harrington Elster的Verbal Advantage:这套资源可能涵盖了十步提升强大词汇量的方法,旨在通过系统的训练帮助用户掌握更多高级词汇。 6. 《英语词汇的奥秘》升级版:这本书很可能是俞敏洪的另一部作品,强调英语词汇学习的方法论,通过揭示词汇背后的意义和用法,帮助学习者更深层次地理解和记忆单词。 7. Norman Lewis的Word Power Made Easy:Norman Lewis是著名的语言教育家,他的著作《Word Power Made Easy》被认为是英语词汇学习的经典之作。此资源可能包含了一系列帮助用户系统学习和增强词汇量的练习和指导。 根据文件名称列表,我们可以总结出以下知识点: - 词汇记忆的重要性:词汇是语言学习的基石,庞大的词汇量可以帮助用户更准确、流畅地表达和理解英语。 - 多种词汇记忆方法:通过不同的记忆方法,如看图记忆、词根词缀记忆、同类记忆、词形记忆和语境记忆,可以提升学习效率和记忆深度。 - 实用词汇的学习:通过在具体情景中学习单词,可以更好地理解单词的实际应用,提高语言实际运用能力。 - 英语词汇的系统学习:通过系统的训练和学习,可以更系统地掌握词汇,包括基础词汇和高级词汇,为高级语言技能打下坚实基础。 以上资源对于希望通过自学方式提升英语水平的学习者来说具有极大的帮助。通过对这些资源的系统学习,学习者可以显著提高自身的词汇量和语言运用能力。

from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'YaHei Consolas Hybrid' from PIL import Image import numpy as np text='''驾驶体验良好:19 操控出色:15 乘坐感受还可以:9 音响品质好:9 配置丰富:9 整体空间出色:8 静谧性强:7 内饰好看:7 动力十足:7 车机操作流畅:6 配置实用:6 动力输出平顺:5 底盘调校好:5 外观时尚:4 车机科技感强:4 内饰质感不错:3 配置鸡肋:8 有异响:4 人机工程较差:3 储物空间较少:2 续航表现较差:2 后备厢空间小:1 风噪大:1 车机功能简单:1 ''' text=text.replace('\n', ' ').replace(":", ':') input_text =text print(text) # 将用户输入的词汇和出现次数转换为一个字典 words_dict = {} for word in input_text.split(): word, count = word.split(":") words_dict[word] = int(count) car_mask = np.array(Image.open("/home/coder/2233.png")) # 创建WordCloud对象并生成词云图 wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path='/home/coder/project/SourceHanSerifSC-SemiBold.otf',width=1600, height=800,background_color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)", mode="RGBA",mask=car_mask) wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequencies=words_dict) plt.figure() plt.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 3000 plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") print('OK') image = wordcloud.to_image() plt.show() image.save("大众ID.6.CORZZ.png") 跑出来结果是这样的:(base) root@4235009d9f30:/home/coder# /root/anaconda3/bin/python /home/coder/project/词云生成汽车图.py 驾驶体验良好:19 操控出色:15 乘坐感受还可以:9 音响品质好:9 配置丰富:9 整体空间出色:8 静谧性强:7 内饰好看:7 动力十足:7 车机操作流畅:6 配置实用:6 动力输出平顺:5 底盘调校好:5 外观时尚:4 车机科技感强:4 内饰质感不错:3 配置鸡肋:8 有异响:4 人机工程较差:3 储物空间较少:2 续航表现较差:2 后备厢空间小:1 风噪大:1 车机功能简单:1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/coder/project/词云生成汽车图.py", line 43, in <module> wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequencies=words_dict) File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wordcloud/wordcloud.py", line 453, in generate_from_frequencies self.generate_from_frequencies(dict(frequencies[:2]), File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wordcloud/wordcloud.py", line 508, in generate_from_frequencies box_size = draw.textbbox((0, 0), word, font=transposed_font, anchor="lt") File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/ImageDraw.py", line 671, in textbbox raise ValueError("Only supported for TrueType fonts") ValueError: Only supported for TrueType fonts应该如何解决

2023-07-14 上传
2023-07-14 上传

(Telephone Number Word Generator) Standard telephone keypads contain the digits 0 through 9. The numbers 2 through 9 each have three letters associated with them, as is indicated by the following table: Many people find it difficult to memorize phone numbers, so they use the correspondence between digits and letters to develop seven-letter words that correspond to their phone numbers. For example, a person whose telephone number is 686-2377 might use the correspondence indi- cated in the above table to develop the seven-letter word “NUMBERS.” Businesses frequently attempt to get telephone numbers that are easy for their clients to remember. If a business can advertise a simple word for its customers to dial, then no doubt the business will receive a few more calls. Each seven-letter word corresponds to exactly one seven-digit telephone number. The restaurant wishing to increase its take-home business could surely do so with the number 825-3688 (i.e., “TAKEOUT”). Each seven-digit phone number corresponds to many separate seven-letter words. Unfortunately, most of these represent unrecognizable juxtaposi- tions of letters. It’s possible, however, that the owner of a barber shop would be pleased to know that the shop’s telephone number, 424-7288, corresponds to “HAIRCUT.” A veterinarian with the phone number 738-2273 would be happy to know that the number corresponds to “PETCARE.” Write a program that, given a seven-digit number, writes to a file every possible seven-letter word corresponding to that number. There are 2187 (3 to the seventh power) such words. Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0 and 1.

2023-06-09 上传