Groups of contiguous calorimeter cells (topological clusters) are formed based on the
significance of the ratio of deposited energy to calorimeter noise. To further reduce back-
ground photons from hadronic jets, the transverse isolation energy E
of the photon
candidates is required to be less than 2.45 GeV + 0.022 × p
. This energy is computed
from the sum of the energies of all cells belonging to topological clusters and within a
cone of ∆R = 0.4 around the photon direction. The contributions from the underlying
event and the pile-up [43, 44], as well as from the photon itself, are subtracted. The iso-
lation requirement has a signal efficiency of about 98% over the whole photon transverse
momentum range relevant to this analysis.
Jets are reconstructed from topological clusters of calorimeter cells using the anti-k
algorithm with radius parameter R = 0.4. Jets affected by noise or hardware problems in
the detector, or identified as arising from non-collision backgrounds, are discarded [45]. Jet
four-momenta are computed by summing over the topological clusters that constitute each
jet, treating each cluster as a four-vector with zero mass. To reduce the effects of pile-up
on the jet momentum, an area-based subtraction method is employed [43, 44]. Jet energies
are then calibrated by using corrections from the simulation and scale factors determined
in various control samples (γ + jet, Z+jet and multijet events) in 8 TeV data [46] and
validated with early 2015 data [47]. These corrections are applied to 2015 data, after
taking into account in the simulation the changes in the detector and in the data-taking
conditions between 8 TeV and 13 TeV data, and propagating as systematic uncertainties
those related to this extrapolation procedure. Jets with p
< 20 GeV or within ∆R = 0.2
(0.4) of a well-identified and isolated electron (photon) with transverse momentum above
25 GeV are not considered.
Events are selected if they contain at least one photon candidate and at least one jet
candidate satisfying all the previous criteria and each having p
> 150 GeV. The photon
trigger has an efficiency of
% for these events. The trigger efficiency is measured
in data as the product of the efficiency of the high-level trigger computed from events
selected by the first-level trigger and the efficiency of the first-level trigger with respect to
offline identification [48].
Since t-channel γ+jet and dijet production rates increase while the rate of the s-channel
signal production decreases with the photon and jet absolute pseudorapidity, photons are
required to be in the barrel calorimeter, |η
| < 1.37. Moreover, as a consequence of
the different production mechanisms for the signal and background, the pseudorapidity
separation ∆η between the photon and the jet candidates tend to be smaller for the signal
than for the background, particularly for large values of the photon-jet invariant mass. For
this reason, events with |∆η| > 1.6 are discarded.
In events in which more than one good photon or jet candidate is found, the highest-
candidate of each type is selected to form the resonant γ + jet candidate. Events in
which the angular separation between the photon and any jet with p
> 30 GeV (after
the jet-photon overlap removal) is ∆R < 0.8 are discarded. This requirement suppresses
background events from SM photon+jet production in which the photon is emitted at large
angles in the fragmentation of a quark or a gluon.
The total signal efficiency (including detector acceptance) depends on the resonant
mass of the hypothetical signal, and is described in the next section. The product of
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