Comparison Analysis of 2.4 GHz and Mm-wave
V2V Channel Modelling Based on Measurements
Hui Wang
, José Rodríguez-Piñeiro
, Xuefeng Yin
, Haowen Wang
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
China Academy of Science, Shanghai Microsystem and Information Technology Research Institute
Email: {1252759, j.rpineiro, yinxuefeng},
Abstract—In this work, a recently conducted measurement cam-
paign for millimeter wave (mm-wave) and sub-6 GHz vehicle
to vehicle (V2V) propagation channel characterization is intro-
duced. Two vehicles carrying a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver
(Rx) respectively were following with each other at an average
speed of 30 km/h in the mountain area of Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Province, China. The measurement was conducted with 25 MHz
bandwidth at center frequency of 39 GHz and 2.4 GHz. The chan-
nel parameters investigated include the shadowing, fast fading
and their auto correlations. 7 kinds of distributions of analytical
expressions were used to fit the shadowing and fast fading. The
results show that the shadowing and fast fading at 2.4 GHz are
more severe than those at 39 GHz. After segmentation, most
shadowing and fast fading segments follow gaussian distribution.
Furthermore, the shadowing and fast fading at 2.4 GHz have
more spacial consistency than those at 39 GHz.
Index Terms—Vehicle to vehicle communication, channel mea-
surement, millimeter-wave
Mm-wave communications are going to be used for V2V
communications [1]. Recently, the mm-wave V2V communi-
cations have been paid an increasing attention. This is due
to the fact that the mm-wave communication is expected
to enable higher data transmission for the future intelligent
transportation systems. In such systems, a large variety of
sensors are going to be applied in the vehicles. Furthermore, in
order to realize unmanned manoeuvered vehicle technologies,
big data needs to be exchanged between terminals and the
cloud. For these applications, it is significant to develop
V2V mm-wave communication systems and techniques. As
a fundamental research, the channel modelling for the mm-
wave frequency bands is necessary for understanding the wave
propagation in a variety of vehicular scenarios.
V2V communications have been a hot-spot for research and
industry as the rapid development of unmanned technologies.
Channel models established so far can be divided into two
classes: the simulation-based models and the measurement-
based models. In the former category, the geometrical scatter-
ing models are widely investigated. Most of them are based on
the assumption that scatterers are distributed either regularly,
e.g. on one-ring, two-rings, elliptical ring, cylinder, ellipsoid,
and etc., or irregularly [2], [3]. With the ideal assumptions
of scatterer distributions, channel characteristics are derived
which constitute a series of geometry-based stochastic models
[4]–[12]. In the measurement based category, most V2V
measurements are conducted at sub-6 GHz band [13]–[18].
Few mm-wave V2V channel measurements are conducted. For
instance, the delay and angular spread of crossroad scenarios
was studied in [19]. The overpass scenario(a car is driven
under the overpass) measurement and analytical results for
V2V propagation path loss and root-mean-square delay spread
were illustrated in [20]. The mm-wave blockage characteristics
in a typical V2V environment at 28 GHz were investigated in
[21]. These studies facilitate evaluating system performance
analytically and alleviate the difficulties in designing commu-
nication techniques. [22] shows that the frequency dependence
of channel parameters (e.g., path loss, shadowing, small-scale
fading, delay, angle, and correlation) is mostly observed for a
large frequency range, e.g., 3-10 GHz. Nevertheless, as far as
we concerned, the comparison between sub-6 GHz and mm-
wave V2V channel has not been experimentally investigated
based on actual measurements.
In our work, a road measurement of V2V channel at center
frequency of 2.4 GHz and 39 GHz was carried out simul-
taneously. PN sequence is applied to investigate the channel
parameters. Different scenarios and driving route are measured
for statistical analysis. The large-scale fading and small-scale
channel parameters are investigated. 7 kinds of distributions
and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test are applied to fit the
shadowing and fast fading. Furthermore, the channel auto
correlations for sub-6 GHz and mm-wave are investigated.
The rest of the work is organized as follows: In Section II,
we introduce the measurement equipments and scenarios. In
Section III, the measurement results are analysed. Finally, the
conclusive remarks are presented in Section IV.
A. Measurement equipment
The measurement setup diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The
measurement devices consist of the following components:
four universal software radio peripherals (USRPs) of type
N210; four computers which are used to control the USRPs
to transmit the signal and store real time received data; two
local oscillators (LOs), two frequency doublers (FDs), two
amplifiers (AMPs), a band-pass filter (BPF), a low-noise-
amplifier (LNA) and two horn antennas working at 18-40 GHz
and two omi-directional antennas working at sub-6 GHz in
both the Tx and the Rx sides. the 10 MHz reference signal and
PPS signal are provided by two clock distributors which are