第 38 卷第 12 期 电 子 与 信 息 学 报 Vol.38No.12
2016 年 12 月 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology . Dec. 2016
基于椭圆模型与改进 NLCS 的一站固定式大基线双站 SAR 成像算法
钟 华
胡 剑 张 松 孙闽红
(杭州电子科技大学通信工程学院 杭州 310018)
摘 要:在一站固定式双站 SAR 成像处理中,该文针对距离-方位 2 维空变描述不够准确导致成像性能迅速下降的
问题,提出一种新的椭圆模型精确描述一站固定式大基线双站 SAR 的距离-方位空变特性,并基于此推导了改进的
距离单元徙动和距离方位高次耦合项进行了去除处理。在方位向,根据一站固定式双站 SAR 的 2 维空变特性,提
推导 NLCS 算法的方位变标函数和方位压缩系数。理论分析与仿真结果证明,所提出的模型不仅揭示了一站固定
式大基线双站 SAR 数据的 2 维空变特性,而且对回波的距离-方位空变给出了更精确的解析式描述,使得基于该模
型改进的 NLCS 算法可以获得更好的成像处理效果。
关键词:SAR 成像;双站 SAR;一站固定式; 非线性调频变标;椭圆模型
中图分类号: TN957.52 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1009-5896(2016)12-3174-08
DOI: 10.11999/JEIT161016
Improved NLCS Algorithm Based on Ellipse Model for One-stationary
Bistatic SAR with Large Baseline
ZHONG Hua HU Jian ZHANG Song SUN Minhong
(School of Communication Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
Abstract: In One-Stationary Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (OS-BiSAR) imaging, imprecise description of 2-D
range-azimuth space-variant property usually leads to deterioration of final SAR image rapidly. In order to solve
this issue, a new ellipse model is proposed to precisely describe range-azimuth space-variant property of OS-BiSAR
with large baseline, and an improved Non-Linear Chirp Scaling (NLCS) algorithm is also derived based on this
model. First, a phase de-ramp operation is performed to remove the linear Range Cell Migration (RCM) and
Doppler centroid in range frequency domain. Then, the residual RCM and high order range-azimuth coupling
terms are removed. Thirdly, a new ellipse model is established to describe range-azimuth space-variant property of
OS-BiSAR, and then the azimuth frequency modulation rate of space-variant echo is analyzed. Moreover, azimuth
scaling function of NLCS and azimuth compression factors are re-derived. Theoretical analysis and simulation
results show that the proposed model not only reveals the property of 2-D azimuth-variant in OS-BiSAR, but also
provides a precise analytical expression to depict the 2-D range-azimuth space-variant property of OS-BiSAR.
Furthermore, simulation results validate that the improved NLCS algorithm based on this new model has high
imaging performance.
Key words: SAR imaging; Bistatic SAR; One-stationary; Non-Linear Chirp Scaling (NLCS); Ellipse model
1 引言
双站合成孔径雷达(Bistatic Synthetic
Aperture Radar, BiSAR)是将发射机与接收机分置
*通信作者:钟华 hzhong@hdu.edu.cn
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61301248, 61271214),中国航天科技
Foundation Items: The National Natural Science Foundation of
China (61301248, 61271214), Chinese Innovation Foundation of
Aerospace Science and Technology
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