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Waveform generator plays an important role as a signal source in various fields such as the electronics industry, automatic control, and scientific experiments. However, the current domestic market lacks a variety of waveform generators and they are often priced high. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a fully functional and user-friendly waveform generator for experimentation, research, and industrial needs.
This thesis introduces two waveform generator design schemes based on the 89C51 MCU and the DAC0832 digital-to-analog converter. Each scheme has its own characteristics and can meet the requirements of different fields for waveform generators.
In the programmable waveform generator design scheme, the MCU executes the program to generate waveform data, and then the MCU controls the timing through a timer to send the waveform data to the DAC for output. This scheme also includes an LED display module and a keyboard module, providing good human-machine interaction.
In the hardware waveform generator design, the MCU generates waveform data or receives waveform data from a host computer and writes it into an external RAM. Then, the external circuit controls the extraction of waveform data from the RAM and sends it to the DAC for output. This scheme can generate high-frequency waves and has good scalability.
Both design schemes can generate four types of waveforms: sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave, and square wave, with adjustable frequency and amplitude. The software design is implemented using C language in Keil C software, and the system functionality is verified using Proteus simulation software. The printed circuit board (PCB) is designed using Protel software.
Both waveform generators designed in this thesis have high precision, low error, low power consumption, fast data transmission speed, and high reliability. They also have good economic value.
Keywords: waveform generator, MCU, DAC0832, programmable waveform generator design, hardware waveform generator design.
211 浏览量
2023-07-10 上传
2023-07-10 上传
155 浏览量
2021-09-16 上传
109 浏览量
2023-07-09 上传

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