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"National_LVDS_Owners_Manual_4th_Edition_2008.pdf" 本手册详细介绍了低压差分信号(LVDS)技术,以及高速接口技术、网络拓扑、串行解串器架构、终端与转换、设计与布局指南、抖动概述、互连媒体和信号调理等内容。这是一份第四版的LVDS所有者手册,涵盖了高速CML(电流模式逻辑)和信号调理的相关知识。 1. 高速接口技术概述 - 差分信号技术:高速通信中常用的一种技术,通过两个信号线传输数据,能有效抑制噪声并提高信号完整性。 - LVDS:低压差分信号,是一种低功耗、高速的接口标准,适用于长距离传输。 - CML:电流模式逻辑,具有高速、低功耗特点,适用于高速数据传输应用。 - 低电压正发射极耦合逻辑(LVPPECL):另一种高速逻辑家族,通常用于高频率应用。 - 技术选择:根据应用需求,如传输速率、功耗、距离等因素,选择最适合的接口技术。 2. 网络拓扑 - 点对点:直接连接两个设备,简单且高效,但不支持多个接收端。 - 多点/多滴:一个信号源可以连接多个接收端,适合广播或多设备通信。 - 串行解串器架构:在长距离传输中,将串行数据转换为并行数据,反之亦然,以优化信号质量和效率。 - 混合信号技术:在不同接口之间进行转换,以适应不同系统的需求。 - 接口技术选择:考虑系统的扩展性、兼容性和成本,选择合适的接口技术。 3. 串行解串器架构 - 引言:这部分详细讨论了如何利用串行解串器实现高速数据传输。 - 并行时钟串行解串器:这种架构在发送端将并行数据转换为串行数据,在接收端再转换回来,用于解决长线缆或高速数据传输中的挑战。 手册还深入探讨了终止与转换、设计与布局的指导原则,以确保信号质量和系统稳定性。此外,它涵盖了抖动的基础知识,这是影响数字系统性能的关键因素。手册还讨论了互连媒体和信号调理,这些都是确保数据传输可靠性的关键环节。半导体输入/输出模型和针对设计挑战的解决方案也在此书中有所阐述,为工程师提供了实用的设计参考。 《LVDS Owner’s Manual》第四版是理解LVDS、CML等高速接口技术,以及如何在实际应用中实施这些技术的重要资源,对于从事高速数字系统设计的专业人士极具价值。
2020-04-02 上传
LVDS用户手册第四版 National Semiconductor’s LVDS Owner’s Manual, frst published in spring 1997, has been the industry’s “go-to design guide” over the last decade. Te owner’s manual helped LVDS grow from the original IEEE 1596.3-1996 Standard for Low-Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) for Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) into the workhorse technology it is today. LVDS is now pervasive in communications networks and used extensively in applications such as laptop computers, ofce imaging, industrial vision, test and measurement, medical, and automotive. It provides an attractive solution - a small-swing differential signal for fast data transfers at signifcantly reduced power and with excellent noise immunity. Along with the applications, LVDS continued to evolve over the last decade to meet specifc requirements such as Bus LVDS and Multipoint LVDS. For example, the latest LVDS products are capable of data rates in excess of 3 Gbps while still maintaining the low power and noise immunity characteristics. Today, many applications require even faster data rates and longer transmission paths. Terefore, designers should consider technologies such as Current-Mode Logic (CML) and signal conditioning for both LVDS and CML. Tat is why this new Fourth Edition includes practical design techniques for these technologies as well as LVPECL and LVCMOS. Tis owner’s manual provides useful and current information. It begins with a brief overview of the three most common high-speed interface technologies (LVDS (with variants B-LVDS and M-LVDS), CML, and LVPECL) a review of their respective characteristics, and a section on selecting the optimal technology for an application. Te manual then covers relevant topics such as level translation, jitter, signal conditioning, and suggested design approaches. Tis practical information will help you select the right solution for today’s interface design issues.