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Magnetic levitation technology is a cutting-edge technology that utilizes magnetic force to suspend objects and overcome gravity. As maglev trains gain popularity, the application value of magnetic levitation technology is becoming more recognized. In addition to high-speed trains, magnetic levitation technology is also used in high-speed rotating pump sets and shows promise for more efficient wind energy generators in the future. Therefore, this study focuses on the experimentation and research of an AC magnetic levitation control system to provide a detailed understanding for students majoring in electrical automation. By presenting a comprehensive experimental design and addressing the issues in the AC magnetic levitation control system, this study aims to facilitate students in innovatively designing and optimizing magnetic levitation control systems by applying their knowledge in electrical automation. Keywords: Magnetic levitation; Control system; Magnetic levitation technology.
2011-11-24 上传
2024-04-19 上传
2021-09-27 上传
2024-04-08 上传
2021-10-08 上传
- 粉丝: 219
- 资源: 1819